International Day of Happiness –Different Ways Sharing can Make you Happy

Update: 2021-03-20 23:42 IST

During Dark economic Times, such as Corona Pandemic, people tend to adjust to whatever less they have and discover the numerous benefits of sharing. Sharing not only helps save some money, but also helps achieve personal well-being.

1. Sharing involves Reciprocal Giving

In the book, Why Good Things Happen to Good people, a Professor of Preventative Medicine, from Stony Brook University has stated, when you start giving to others, increase in health benefits to people who have chronic illnesses such as HIV and multiple Sclerosis has been noticed.


2. When you Share a hormone is released.

Oxytocin hormone is released, when you share, the above hormone helps relieve stress, builds trust in human interactions, improves immune function and contributes towards overall well-being and happiness.

3. Sharing helps build Trust

When people start sharing their personal belonging with strangers, they tend to take chance with regards to person's trustworthiness. Both trustworthiness and trust are independently as well as robustly related to life satisfaction and happiness.

4. Social positive interaction helps prolong your life

According to research studies, it has been revealed that, positive social interactions are significant for both mental as well as physical health. The study has also shed light on the aspect that, if an individual has stronger social ties and lesser social isolation, individuals tend to would live longer.

5. Sharing invokes gratitude-This one is highly correlated with happiness

When you express your gratitude to someone in words or action, you will not only be able to boost your positivity but also help boost positivity in others. During this process, you strengthen your bond with one another this leads to happiness.

6. Sharing reduces the disparity between privileged and less privileged

Economic inequality is reduced while sharing. Friedel Bolle, an Economics Professor, his colleagues and researchers conducted a study of 71 nations. They found, those nations where the gap between rich and poor is small; those nations had the highest level of happiness.

7. Sharing involves co-operation, it helps humans to flourish

Sharing as well as cooperation is both natural aspects of human behavior, the more the individuals tend to engage in the above aspects, the more they become congruent with their biological inheritance.

8. Get big dose of Happiness

All those who wish to have better connection with others and would like to build a better society, must start sharing what they can with others. This would help them to get a big dose of happiness.

9. Engage with Something which will make you happy

We must try to engage ourselves with something which we would enjoy. Pick a hobby and learn something new.



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