Know Yourself: What is a one-sided relationship?

Update: 2023-06-25 09:02 IST

What to do, when do you realise that your existence doesn’t affect the person you love? Never bother to check if I am ok or not. He claims I don’t understand the emotions of others. How to understand emotions?

Instead of asking this question to others, you need to raise this question to yourself and search within yourself why I am having a relationship with this kind of person. Why I wanted a relationship? What is the meaning of a relationship, in your opinion? Why am I desperate to have this relationship? What is that I expect out of this one-way traffic relationship? Being like this, what do you want to show the people around you? Is this relationship for just projecting to others to save your face among your peer? Does this relationship have any sanctity and functionality besides just passing the time in WhatsApp messages, status and some messages on Facebook? How can one trust this kind of avoidant relationship? Does it have any meaningful engagement between both of you? Is it progressing emotionally or psychologically with the idea of being together in life?


Similarly, you can also raise the same questions with your partner and based on his responses, you can decide. Emotions play a vital part in the relationship; often, they overpower our rational thinking and realistic ideas; emotions are accelerators of our thinking and decisions. To have better relationships with people, we need to have the ability to understand and respond to the emotions of others and ourselves, i.e., emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ for “emotional quotient”) is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively and constructively for progress in life. It is equally important to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others aptly.

Research suggests that emotional intelligence is more important than IQ to succeed. EI (Four-Branch) model espoused by Mayer and Salovey (1997). This model proposes four fundamental emotion-related abilities:

Perception/expression of emotion.

♦ Use of emotion to facilitate thinking.

♦ Understanding of emotion.

♦ Management of emotion in oneself and others.

Try to learn them to get the inputs from the above information, then you can understand the emotions well. I appreciate your mail about your concerns. This situation helps you to understand yourself better. Dear friends, instead of feeling very bad about your situation if you start taking feedback from the situation, it allows you to see things properly and is an excellent opportunity to learn better and grow better. Knowing yourself is always an interesting and helpful journey to grow as a great individual. Now it is your choice to make or break, get set, develop.

All the best



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