Blood vessels key for good health: Expert

Update: 2019-10-27 02:00 IST

Vijayawada: "Blood vessels play a very important role in our health and if they are not in good condition, our health would be immensely damaged," said noted vascular surgeon Dr G Sriharsha while speaking at the health education programme on 'Vascular Health' at Vasavya Nursing Home here with Dr G Samaram in the chair on Saturday.

The surgeon said the blood vessels would be damaged if our lifestyle was not healthy and the food habits and physical exercise were neglected. "The blood vessels would be damaged due to hypertension, diabetes and cholesterol. Obesity, smoking, pan parag, zarda and gutkha would also damage them," he said.


Blood circulation fails if the blood vessels were damaged and one person dying due to that every 8 seconds, the specialist said. The poor blood circulation due to thin blood vessels would result in weak muscles, cold feet, ulcers in the feet, hair fall, poor growth of nails, skin diseases and erectile dysfunction.

People should be careful in their food habits, physical exercise and various diseases. They should keep the feet clean and healthy, avoid smoking and go for walking everyday without fail.

If the ill-effects of the blood vessels were detected in the early stage, they would be prevented. The specialist said the vascular surgery has been considerably developed in the modern medicine.Dr G Maru proposed a vote of thanks.



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