Uddhav Thackeray Horoscope 2021, date of birth 27 July 1960, time 10.12 am, Place of birth Mumbai

Udhav Thackery Horoscope 2021

Udhav Thackery Horoscope 2021


Udhav Thackery Horoscope 2021 for astrology research, biography, Date of Birth, Place of birth

Udhav Thackery Horoscope 2021: Birth star: Poorvaphalguni 2nd charan (Pubba). Moon sign Leo, ascendant Virgo. Lagna lord Mercury is posted in 10th house in his own house. Hence, Bhadra Maha Purusha Yoga has been formed. Due to this yoga, the native will have more longevity. Lagna tells about courage, determination and name and fame. Lagna lord occupied own house i.e. 10th house. Hence, native will be courageous. He became CM for Maharashtra.

Jupiter occupied in moola thrikona which is called Hamsa Maha Purusha Yoga. Hence, the native will have kind nature, good habits and helping nature. 12th house occupied by moon and rahu. Hence, sometimes he will take hasty decisions. His subordinates will misunderstand him.

From 28.12.2012 to 28.12.2028, the native will run Jupiter major period. For Virgo ascendant, Jupiter is 4th and 7th lord and posted in 4th house. During this major period, he will have many developments in his life.

From 10.11.2020 to 10.07.2023, the native will run Jupiter major period by Venus sub period. For Virgo ascendant, Venus is 2nd and 9th lord and has been posted in 11th house along with sun. Hence, he became the CM of Maharashtra State. But Jupiter and Venus both planets have sashtashtakas.

From 02.05.2021 to 04.08.2021, the native should be very careful about his position.

From 02.05.2021 to 19th July 2021, Mars will occupy Cancer. Mars and Saturn will aspect each other. From 23.05.2021 to 11.10.2021, Saturn will go in retrograde position. During this period, native will face many difficulties and hurdles. On some occasions, he may lose his power also. This government will not continue full time. Any moment this government may lose power.

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