Warangal: FDP focuses on entrepreneurship

Update: 2019-11-30 22:49 IST

Warangal: Paradigm shift in the education sector is foreseen by the educators and this can be possible by building a culture across institutions known as entrepreneurship, a Bengaluru-based Grahtek IT Solutions Director Kiran Koppada said.

Speaking at the valedictory session of faculty development programme (FDP) organised by the Department of Business Management SR Engineering College (SREC), Warangal, sponsored by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad under DST-NIMAT scheme, he made a point to the participants that skills of learners were not the same as they were a decade ago.


As the competency increases, same is not with employment opportunities, and hence an alternate platform to generate employability is entrepreneurship, he said. Further, he stressed the importance of this FDP in bringing up the culture at institution through this trained group of eminent faculty.

Principal Dr V Mahesh spoke about the curriculum review and its impact on campus environment after they attained autonomy in 2014. He stressed on the importance of creating an innovative campus environment by engaging students in hands-on, live project through engineering and design skills.

Nest for Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology (Centre for entrepreneurship) at SREC has initiated lot of activities like weekly innovation challenge (an important task to solve in 90 minutes), Make 'n' Market (6 weeks idea to prototype developments, regional mega event), Tinker camp (4day scratch to building a product) with an objective to make students problem seekers and solution providers for the societal issues.



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