Why gender gap at workplace?

Update: 2018-11-17 05:30 IST

Gender at Work an organisation that deals with woman at work place globally, held a panel discussion where the topic bridging the gender gap at work place was discussed. 

The panel consisted of five members, who discussed why the gender gap exists at work place and how to fill the gap with gender equality. Starting the discussion,Amita Desai the founder, director of the Goethe Zentrumspoke about the #MeToo movement and how women are treated at work. She said that #MeToo movement was started to make things better for women at work place. 


Dr UjithraPonniah the assistant professor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Hyderabad continued stressing on the women being highly qualified are bound to patriarchal commitments that do not allow them to move forward in their careers. 

Tanuja Abburi, who has 20 years of experience in Human Resources shares about how companies are making efforts to get more of woman at their work places.Vijay Padmanbhan the director of Invesco focused on how the work place treats working women after or before they are hired in a company.

Vaishnavi Sundar an independent filmmaker, speaker, writer and activist from Chennai spoke about how women at workplaces,do not have access to proper support system that can help them register cases of sexual harassment, and how companies claim zero percent of harassment cases.

The discussion ended with decision to focus on issues that still must be addressed by certain firms and also by giving women equal value, they deserve at workplace. 



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