Millenium Generation Z too aloof or too fragile to handle feminism?

Update: 2019-01-04 18:23 IST

Is this millenium generation too cool?  Do they think they are too cool? what defines them cool?  who defines cool?

is this the social media craze what they have? or the followers we have on Twitter or the likes we rack up on Instagram?

cool is an enigma,  yet it's something we all think we have a grip on.

let's talk only truth and the truth is, today's society strives to fit into the mould shaped by a society ruled by the watchful eye of judgement. so much so that we've lost touch with our core beliefs, or at least airing them in public.


Femisnist movement is arguably rifer than ever and is by no means a dying ideology. we see petitions being signed, marches taking place, voices beign shared on a regular basis and the Me too movement gathering pace at lighting speed. Suerly this would suggest that we as a society are fully behind the idea of feminism, yet statistics would indicate that the youth of tofdayt have turned their back on the whole thing. it doen't  add up!

How can a generation that so closely believes in the fundamentals of feminism be so against identifying as such? Much of this has to do the longlasting stimga that still exists agaist feminism, with feminists still deminoised as hysterical radicals just as they were a centuary ago when the suffragettes campaigned for the right to vote.

Modern day culture has led young people to long to fit a certain Rhetoric,  one in which image and social status trumps fighting for equality. But i truly believe that deep down, the young females who distance themselves from the young tag, actually strongly align with its principles. They are just scared to admit it. and this is wrong

After all, nobody wants to invite the young girls who's going to chew your ear off about the gender gossips pay gap in the corner of the club right? Wrong- this is not feminism. Feminism is deeper than that. it's not about moaning and playing the victim, it's about being strong and fighting for what's right.

Is the modern generation too aloof or too fragile for FEMINISM?

The rapid diversification is the reason i feel why young women are no longer willing to identify as feminists, in fear of beign marginalised from their peer groups . it's more important to adhere to the norm and fit in

in many ways, the high number of young women who do not identify as feminists has less to do with them turning away from feminism as a concept, but more to do with the fact that the feminist movement has not kept up with the developments in society that has shaped the way they think they should live their lives.

The youth of today may think they are too cool for feminism. but NO they are  not, in truth. Beign strong, independent women  is what is cool. Being the sheep within societies herd is not.




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