Understanding gender equality

Update: 2019-03-12 22:49 IST
Understanding gender equality

Feminism is not a movement that says that women are better than men. Nor is feminism about gaining revenge for all of the years that men were exclusively in power and created laws that said that females couldn't be educated, could be owned as property, couldn't vote, etc.

It is also not just about gaining equality between the genders. If it were simply about equality then feminism would mean we would want an equal representation of arms dealers in the world.


It just means standing up for equal rights. It does not mean that men should stay off the roads so women could walk freely.

It just means women should feel free despite their presence. The ideology means putting a stop to gender stereotypes and putting women in a box. What do men think of feminism? Here are a few opinions we collected…

"Ours has always been a male dominated society, though women were almost equal in numbers to them.They deserve their due recognition as they are second to none in any aspect. It's high time that their value should be felt and we treat them as equals. Women are no way inferior to men," says Prof K Murugaiah, Dean, School of Social Sciences, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati.

Nellore-born author Mohammed Khadeer Babu, who wrote many books on feminism says, "Society is not up to the mark in understanding the world from the women's point of view. I think media, literature or commercials like the movies aren't working towards women empowerment. Women's world starts from her home, society should understand this. Men should be sensitised on respecting women and understanding them. The society has to grow in this aspect."

Fashion designer Nikhil Mehra opines, "I believe as a brand that gender is equal and there is no gender philosophy, so I see both structure and fluidity as one. I think from a design perspective and gender, both genders are present in each. So, femininity and masculinity both come from the stems of same source. No woman is complete without the masculine side and no man is complete without feminity.

So, feminism to me is when woman is in her complete mode. It is a perfect blend of her thought, belief and experience. It is the right blend of Prakruthi and Purush."Arjun Reddy fame actor Rahul Ramakishna, while stressing his view on feminism says, "I think that feminism is absolutely necessary in today's world.

The only way to achieve gender equality is by taking the feminist movements forward. I understand feminism as equality of gender. I like to think of myself as an ally when it comes to the contribution. I would try to limit male or gender privileged things, cast down patriarchy. This is all theoretical, but practically it would be by supporting a woman like letting women do, be and letting any gender be treated equally as their place is way forward.

So, I am not supposed to clam all powers and opportunities as our privilege allows to do so." Giving his view on feminism, Telugu film Pelli Chupulu director, Tharun Bhascker said, "When I was growing as a child the main pillar of support was my mother; in fact she was a woman, who would take care of our house and also hassle for work outside.

I have seen her as a very strong character, she inspired me and she was the first person , who wrote a script for me which won at IIT. During 'Pelli Chupulu', my father passed away before the release and my mother took every responsibility on her shoulder. During the second schedule too, there were lot of loans, but never did that come to my notice because she took care of them. Unknowingly Chitra's character was inspired by woman around me; my wife also decided to take care of the production management.

Even when she had no experience she handled it like a professional. Even if the film industry was male dominant she stood strong and went on with her work. I do not compartmentalise feminism as a term but I consider men and women equal. Sometimes, on the flip side, I see women take the flag of feminism for the wrong purpose. There is definitely gender inequality happening but also there is a lot of awareness.

I think what has to be brought to notice is not to compartmentalise woman as feminism and men as something else. We need to strive for the betterment of people and society, carry on work with all dignity. I think that's what I have learnt from women around me."

As we continue the Women's March celebrations, and as women persist their endeavours in creating an identity, in the larger interest of the society of which they are also an inseparable part, a better understanding of their roles and dynamism would serve the cause of building a gender-friendly environment faster and better.

A negative approach as a response to their ongoing efforts to break the invisible barriers wherever they are can only hamper the much-needed parity in both personal and professional spheres of life.



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