Safety first at DPS Mahendra Hills

Update: 2018-07-03 05:30 IST

Hyderabad: Safety week is being celebrated at Delhi Public School (DPS), Mahendra Hills. To start of the week, a mock fire and evacuation drill involving students, staff and fire fighters was conducted on Friday. Awareness was created among the students regarding firefighting techniques and ways to respond swiftly in times of such an emergency situation.


Prior to the commencement of the exercise, the students and teachers were split into various teams including fire alarm, search and rescue, evacuation, site safety and transportation to carry out the mock drill. A group of fire fighters, headed by fire officer Mohan Rao, armed with necessary paraphernalia required for firefighting and rescue operations positioned themselves at vantage points to guide and assist the students in the mock fire and evacuation drill.

The evacuation operation began moments after the fire alarm team alerted the students with a mock fire alarm bell. The students were immediately evacuated from their classrooms and asked to gather at the assembly point with their teachers. The fire fighters explained and demonstrated different improvised methods followed by them to rescue and evacuate people caught in an emergency situation besides explaining the ways to operate the fire extinguishers safely.

Fire officer Mohan Rao said the Fire and Rescue Services Department has been conducting awareness campaigns on firefighting techniques and rescue operations in various schools during the fire safety week. He informed all students to be safe and swift in their actions during emergency situations and keep a cool head and show presence of mind.



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