SPMVV’s biotech incubator to fund and scale startups

Update: 2018-11-11 04:29 IST

  • DBT sanctions Rs 4.1 crore through BIRAC to foster biotech innovation
  • It provides facility for rapid prototyping and takes an idea forward

Tirupati: The women biotech incubator–BioNEST (Bio-incubators Nurturing Entrepreneurship for Scaling Technologies) was sanctioned to Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam (SPMVV) by Department of Biotechnology (DBT). 


The incubator will give a platform to young people to come with their novel ideas and discuss with the technical staff from the committee of skilled personnel and experienced professors. 

The DBT will provide Rs 4.1 crore funds to SPMVV through the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) which launched BioNEST with a vision to foster biotech innovation ecosystem as the enterprising ideas in this section need incubation support of a different kind. 

Under BioNEST, any life science research can be taken up and support will be provided that includes financial support. 

If someone wants to develop a model, BioNEST provides a small grant if needed and scaling up the idea will be taken care as per the demand from the industry or market without which the idea will be redundant. 

Also, the ideas may be stolen by others and may not get proper guidance so as to proceed further. These problems can be avoided at this incubator and it also gives protection, says the Registrar of SPMVV Prof DM Mamatha. 

She informed The Hans India that students can come with ideas, discuss, keep them safe and confidentially can get wings to their ideas. 

“If a group of students come with an idea and needs training, we provide it at incubator. Industrial tie up will also be provided and can discuss to know how far it is useful for industry. 

The faculty from IIT, IISER and other institutes will come here and discuss with enthusiasts, she explained. 

The key objective is to have facility for rapid prototyping which is key in nurturing an idea and will take it to various stages up to patents. 

It also imparts training to promote skills for better employment opportunities. Under this project, refurbishment of laboratories can be taken up in the University. 

Space will be provided to incubatees and for mentors. The Registrar made it clear that the facility will be for all students and a good platform for them and industrialists.

The Nodal Officer of the project Prof V Kalarani explained that technology as well as product will be developed at the incubator using their expertise to make commercially viable products. 

Those who have ideas and knowledge and want to become entrepreneurs, they can use this platform and get trained here, she stated. 

“We will not take up our research there but will make use of our experience and a team of 16 faculty members, seven people from industry and pharma companies and two stakeholders, who also provide their space and give advises to enthusiasts by forming an advisory group. 

Here technology will be developed and producing large scale products is not the objective of it,” she maintained.



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