Cops keen to save marriages, says DSP Bharat Mataaji

Update: 2018-10-16 05:30 IST

Rajamahendravaram: The Women Police Station under the aegis of Deputy Superintendent of Police Bharat Mataaji, has been successful in its endeavour to bring down the cases relating to women. With regard to cases such as dowry harassment, physical and mental harassment and others, the cops have been giving counselling. Abundant time is being given to both wife and husband to solve dispute amicably under 498 Section.


Speaking to ‘The Hans India’ here on Monday, Bharat said though it was a difficult task to convince the couple for settling complex disputes, the police were getting good result. Cases were being registered if it was inevitable and the wife particularly want to desert and take action against her spouse. 

In the year 2016, as many as 1,023 complaints were received and out of them 926 were settled amicably and 97 cases were registered. In the year 2017, as many as 1,124 complaints were received and out of them 1,004 were settled amicably and 120 cases were registered. Up to September month-end this year, as many as 942 complaints were received. Out of which 685 cases were settled and 97 cases were registered.

Two representatives of Hyderabad-based Bhumika (non-governmental organization) and Counselling Centre comprising of senior citizens, psychologists etc had been extending counselling to the couple, he informed.
The representatives of Bhumika would also go for field visits and enquire about the change in their attitude of the couple after their counselling. At the time of counseling, the couples were being briefed about the disadvantages and problems of cases and divorce.

The DSP informed that in 50 percent cases, both husband and wife were at fault. The differences mainly arise because of attitude, lack of  understanding, egoism, doubts on the behaviour, illicit relations, large scale use of mobile phones, etc. The ego was of high-level in cases involving couples aged between 20 years and 30 years. The possibility for illicit relation was the reason for problem in couples aged between 30 years and 40 years.

“We put more efforts to unite the couple or otherwise, their children will suffer a lot and their future also be affected.  Couples from poor and middle class background usually approach the police with their grievances,” Bharat Maataji averred. The wife and husband should think about the future and fate of their children before taking a drastic step, he advised.



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