International Day against Nuclear Test: Kazakhstan's Significant Role

Update: 2021-08-28 19:17 IST

Embracea World Free of Nuclear Weapons

International Day against Nuclear Test was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in the month of December, in the year, 2009. It is observed each year on the 29th of August, a day which commemorates the 1991 closure of the Soviet Semipalatinsk site, it is the world's largest nuclear testing facility, in the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan.


The above day helps in raising the awareness about varied negative effects of the nuclear weapons there is greater need to achieve a nuclear weapon free world. This day also helps in educating people from different walks of life about the need to ban the nuclear weapon test, so that the world becomes a safer place. In the 1945, 1st nuclear test was conducted and after that more than 2,000 tests have been conducted and it has led to accidents, such as Chernobyl, Ukraine accident of 1986, Chernobyl ending in tragedy, long term radiation poisoning as well as atmospheric damage.

Role of Kazakhstan, making a world, nuclear-weapon free zone

Kazakhstan played a significant role; it has helped around half of the world today, to become nuclear weapon-free zone.

The first president of the Kazakhstan and leader of the Nation, Nursultan Nazarbayey, by signing a decree, to close the Semipalatnsk nuclear test site by the will of the people in the month of august, in the year 1991, it showed the entire world an example, as to how responsible as well as decisive approach in preserving both peace and humanity can help achieve greater goals such as these.

Having experienced all the horrors of nuclear explosions at the Semipalatinsk test site, from were nearing to 1.5 million individuals suffered. The Kazakhstan has made a voluntary decision to completely renounce its nuclear weapons arsenal, the 4th largest in the world at that time.

The above decision was not very easy, it was made at a very difficult time, it was made against the background of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the bipolar world order, the issue of ensuring the security of the newly formed independent nations was very acute. And by the mere presence of nuclear weapons in Kazakhstan, it was perceived by many as a guarantee of both, independence as well as the integrity of the nation.

Notably, it was the closure of the one of the planet's largest test sites, which helped in paving the way for the 1996 comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

The above day, helps march towards the optimistic prospects for moving towards a world free of nuclear weapons.



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