Willpower will help you beat the invisible enemy

Update: 2021-06-01 23:34 IST

Willpower will help you beat the invisible enemy 

Hyderabad: Will the willpower help a person beat the deadly coronavirus. Yes, says 80-year-old Covidsurvivor Swapna Kundu.

"It is believed that senior citizensare at risk if they infected Covid. I have defeated the dreaded disease due to my inner strength,"the confident woman reveals.

When she was tested positive, considering her age, many people around her were concerned, but she did not panic even for a moment and faced it in a positive way.


She is a diabetic patient, but her sugar levels were in control. As she was asymptomatic, doctors advised her home isolation. "The virus can be defeated with your willpower and determination. I did all may day-to-day works without troubling my family members during her recovery period," she explains.

"If anyone tested positive for the virus, he/she should seek treatment immediately and follow the advice of the doctors. Have courage and keep yourself internally strong and there is no need to worry. Maintain social distance to keep the deadly disease at bay," Swapna Kundu said.



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