Don't challenge the virus, conquer it with self-belief!

Update: 2021-06-05 23:03 IST

Don’t challenge the virus, conquer it with self-belief!

A big salute to your paper for its fight against the pandemic and the page "Bravehearts" is truly an inspirational one where those brave hearts who defeated the virus share their valuable experience boosting the confidence of those unfortunately getting infected by the virus . I and three of my family members got infected by the deadly virus last month and here I would like to share my experience about how we overcame the crisis.


As our house is located in the heart of the city of Kannur (Kerala) , in a populated ward and that too on a busy main road having a lot of business establishments, the fear of getting infected was there right from the beginning this deadly virus set foot in our region. As I was the only one going out for work I took so much of care and precautions so that my old parents will not be attacked by the virus through me. But in spite of all our pre cautions my octogenarian father started showing symptoms during the first week of May as the second wave was at its peak.

He had coughing, temperature and runny nose. Second day he fainted and then an explicable fear started creeping into our hearts . The very next day my old mother who is in her mid seventies had high fever and tiredness and following her I began experiencing severe chills, body pain and temperature going up and down. My old aunt too started showing similar symptoms. Then it was panic at home and we phoned up the nearest speciality hospital whose Covid team immediately came to check.

Upon checking all four of us were found positive. A sort of creepy sensation gripped me upon realising that the villainous virus is in our body and I couldn't even imagine a trip with it - a nightmarish, horrendous, ghastly and agonising trip with the most dreadful, ruthless, merciless, unsparing, cold blooded virus which can be up to anything!.

Thanks to the medical team who gave us all necessary tips, medicines , care and treatment and advices too. The most amazing factor is that another aunt of mine staying in the same household was negative and she was the one who prepared food and everything for us who isolated ourselves in our rooms. A pious and positive minded lady, a staunch devotee of Sai Baba and a yoga practitioner my aunt stuck to her daily routine without tension and even gave me mantras like the Danwantri and Mrityunjaya which I found very useful.

She remained uninfected by the virus . Though early few days I couldn't sleep due to overthinking later I calmed myself and on the advice given by my friends and relatives diverted my mind from Covid and got busy with my hobbies of cartooning, writing articles, reading and listening to music. I switched off the TV as news gave only tension and anguish .

One thing I could realise was the agony, the pain, the angst the world and the whole of mankind is going through . I was also a bit amazed at some who say it's just like a cold and a flu . Most of the Covid patients that include us also , experienced splitting headache , the chills, temperature going up and down and along with this anxiety and fear as you are with a cold- blooded stranger (and he can be up to anything !) and at the same time we feel that the symptoms lessen when we tackle with it in a positive and optimistic manner.

Definitely the mind plays a very vital role in dealing with this virus and during the recovery phase . Those in isolation definitely need the support of their dear ones mentally and the more we are instilled with care , confidence and encouragement we feel very energetic and the mind gets ready to overcome this unnerving phase. After days of quarantine treatment we turned negative and the medical team advised us to have some more days of rest and relaxation .My old parents and aunt too recovered and are hale and happy . Thus we overcame the crisis.

A piece of advice to my reader friends - never challenge this virus and unfortunately if it creeps don't lose courage, be positive , stay calm , heed to your doctors advise and take regular medication , take good food and consume fruit juices ( pomegranate is really nutritious and it helps to de-stress ), make yourself busy with some light activity ,never overthink , love yourself and love the world . Yes, better to be safe as this isn't just as cool as some think . Even if it is three or four masks the authorities tell us to wear let us wear them ,follow norms, avoid crowds , let us get vaccinated , let's safeguard our elders and let us help the government help eliminate this most dreaded virus .



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