Sunday Sermon: Positive Vibes Replace Healing Touch In Social Distancing Era

Update: 2020-06-07 10:58 IST
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Sunday Sermon: For those who had family doctors would know why we prefer to go the same person all the time. The concept of family physician is a matter of comfort. We always prefer to go to our own hairstylist, beauticians, teachers and doctors that's because we trust them a lot. The unwavering faith we have in them makes us want to go to them rather than anyone else.


On the other hand, there is also what is called the healing touch like mom's food. I am sure you have heard the saying no 5 star hotel food can match a mother's preparation because we know for sure that even if she were to make the humble dal and chawal it tastes heavenly because mom can never go wrong. The same rule applies to doctors too. We have often heard the phrase 'healing touch'. We have seen some doctors who work miracles. I mean all doctors save lives but a few have the super power to deal with the most complicated cases and cure patients miraculously and effortlessly. That is what is the power of healing touch.

Be it physiotherapy, body massage or even when you as your child to run his little fingers through your forehead, you feel the pain instantly vanish. That is the healing touch.

But now, with humans being almost untouchable thanks to the fear of the contagion, all we could do is give out vibrations or what is called vibes. Make sure these vibes are positive. You must know of group meditation sessions, group prayers to heal a person or even reiki which practices distant healing. In the age of social distancing, this distance healing may work wonders.

So do not feel guilty about not being able to comfort your ailing friend a physical hug, instead send him or her positive vibes. Trust me it works wonders. Let's hope the social distancing ends soon and the world gets back to normalcy. 



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