Sunday Sermon: Affirmations To Make Your Week Fruitful

Update: 2020-05-31 01:11 IST
Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon: Yet another Sunday is here and we have a checklist to tick--stocking up groceries and essential supplies, finish all the pending household chores of the week and prepare for a fresh week ahead.

As we gear up for another week, let's pledge to make some affirmations. Have you heard of miracles? Have you experienced it? Do you believe in miracles? Well, if you already know where I am coming from and what my intent is behind asking the question then we are the same page. Now, for the unversed, let me tell you that thoughts can manifest into reality. So make sure that every thought that comes your mind will only make your current situation better.


For example, we are facing an unprecedented human crisis because of the covid19 pandemic. So all that we hear these days is about loss of lives, unemployment, layoffs at workplace, salary cuts and Illness. In such a scenario, it's not easy to stay composed. Whether you like it or not the environment around will affect you in some way. Know what I mean? Yes. So the moment someone talks about his salary cut or you read a news item about a family losing its member to the virus, the thoughts that enter your mind are anything but positive. Fear, uncertainty insecurity and sadness...what more negative emotions could you have imagined? So it's hard to keep yourself calm and think everything's going to be better. But let me tell you this is the time you must stay strong in thought, mind, spirit and action. Ward off any negative thoughts that enter your mind. Shoo away negative vibes. Lile they say count your blessings.

When you start being grateful about the things you have, you will certainly receive all that you want in abundance.

Look around and think of how your life is better than the others around you. The next time you complain, ask yourself would you be willing to switch places with them for even a day? No. Right? That's when and how you know how blessed you are to have things that you have taken for granted. Let's begin the week with positive affirmations and make the week fulfilling. 



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