Save the Date save your Kidney World Kidney Day: March 14 Thursday

Update: 2019-03-14 13:28 IST

Today March 14 Thursday Millions of people across the World are uniting with one powerful Voice for Kidney Health Awareness.

The theme this year is Kidney Health for Everyone, Everywhere. The aim is to draw public attention to the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to help look after your kidneys, the risks for developing kidney disease and the impact it has on patients.


Excess of anything is always bad; even excess amount of proteins can negatively affect your kidney despite the many health benefits this nutrient offers.

Never try to be on high protein diets as it may worsen your Kidney function in people who are already suffering from Kidney disease.

As protein helps in reducing the calorie intake

proteins can negatively affect your kidney

we require only 1 gm of protein per kg ideal body weight

Proteins N Proteins everywhere well! we all have been hearing so about this wonder nutrient and the many benefits that it offers. The king of nutrients protein is a molecule which is made upof all the essential amino acid chains. The nutrient protein helps in performing the several body's functions smoothly. Proteins helps in reducing the calorie the intake which helps in quick weight loss, promotes better quality of life, better sleep, and spped recovery from any injury.

But an excess of any thing is bad, even an excess of protein is bad for your kidneys despite the many nutrients it offers. Which further helps in urinating. Kidneys need to work hard to clear the metabolites of protein from your body, leading to an increased strain on the Kidneys. A high diet in protein may increase the sstrain on kidneys.

Always consult a doctor before starting a protein rich diet. This is especially if you have a kidney related disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or any other chronic health condition. Or it is important to choose your proteins wisely. like whole eggs, Chicken, legumes, Fish, dairy products and nuts. 



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