How to remove birthmarks using Home Remedies?

Update: 2022-09-27 22:26 IST

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Birthmarks are usually colored marks, which tend to appear on the face or it can also appear anywhere in the body. These marks are present since birth, as the individual grow, it may also become darker. You generally do not require to treat the birthmarks, if you do not have any health issues, but sometimes, people tend to get rid of them, as they do not feel comfortable or happy with their birthmarks.


In few cases, birthmarks can be easily removed with home remedies and in few cases, you need to have surgery to get rid of the birthmarks.

Below you can find simple home remedies, which can help you, get rid of birthmarks

1. Lemon juice

Due to natural bleaching properties present in the lemon, it helps the individual to get rid of the birthmark very easily. Vitamin C is present in the lemon, this also tend to help improve the skin texture and it also helps fight against the varied free radicals which are responsible for skin aging. If you wish to get rid of the birthmarks, firstly you need to squeeze some lemon juice and then apply it on the targeted area. Then allow it to dry and then wash off using cold water.

2. Ice pack

This is one the unique way to get rid of the birthmarks on the body. Cold compression helps the individuals get rid of hyperpigmentation, thus, fading the marks easily. Take an ice pack and then begin to massage on the targeted area. Do this, for a minimum 30 hour and then wash off using the cold water.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E contains antioxidants, which tend to help lighten the birthmark easily. Also, it helps keep your skin moisturized, thus it helps prevent the damage caused on the skin because of free radicals. Take some amount of Vitamin E oil and then start applying on the marks. Massage for some time and then must leave it overnight. Rinse off in the morning using the lukewarm water.

4. Aloe Vera Gel

This one is best, cheap and very effective remedy to get rid of birthmarks on the body very easily. You need to scoop out some fresh aloe vera gel from the aloe leaves and then apply it on the birthmarks. Massage for some time and then allow it dry. Rinse the area with cold water. You can add some amount of turmeric to the aloe vera gel and then use it remove the birthmarks easily.

5. Olive oil

The above ingredient also proves to be very effective in treating the birthmarks. Olive oil is a powerful skin lightening ingredient, which can help in lightening the birthmarks easily. It also plays very major role in skin lightening treatment. Using olive oil can help you get better result. Apply some olive oil on the birthmarks and massage it for some time. Then you need to wash off with water.

6.Tomato Juice

Tomato juice contains bleaching properties, which prove to be one of the best ingredients to lighten as well as remove the birthmarks easily. Antioxidants present in the tomato juice, can help lighten the mark easily. Extract some tomato juice and add some vitamin E oil to it. Mix together and apply the mixture on the birthmarks. Allow it to dry and then wash off with water.

7.Orange juice and yoghurt

Orange juice as well as yoghurt, both these ingredients are rich in Vitamin C, which makes them effective to be used on the skin. By applying this mixture of orange juice as well as yogurt, one can lighten the birthmarks on the skin, thus fading them later. Take 2 to three spoons of yogurt and add some orange juice to it. Mix together and apply it on your birthmarks. Wash off using the cold water.



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