Home Remedies for Delayed Period

Update: 2022-03-13 12:50 IST

Papaya helps stimulate contractions in uterus and help promote production of estrogen, both of which help trigger period.

If you are having delayed period, you can choose, any one or more of these home remedies. These home remedies will help you have regular period. But after using these home remedies, still there is delay in your period, consult the doctor.


Papaya helps stimulate contractions in uterus and help promote production of estrogen, both of which help trigger period. You can snack fresh pieces of papaya or you can also blend them to prepare a glass of fresh juice and drink it. You must have Papaya juice or papaya pieces, until your period.



Your post meal mouth freshener, saunf or fennel seeds can help increase blood flow to the uterus. Soon, you will have period. Soak two tablespoons of fennel seeds in a glass of water overnight. Strain and drink it on an empty stomach. You must have this drink, every morning until your period.


Pomegranate helps in regulating the phasic activity of your period cycle to induce it faster. You can peel a pomegranate and add the seeds to your daily diet in the form of oats, raita etc. Try to make it a part of your diet until your period.


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and other bioactive compounds, carrots promote shredding of the uterine lining, which in turn induces period. Peel two carrots and then blend it to prepare fresh juice. Sprinkle some sugar for taste and then consume a glass of this juice on an empty stomach. Each morning until you have your period.


To add to the antispasmodic properties of Ginger are known to ease the period cramps, did you know that, it helps induce your period. Bioactive compounds would help spike body heat. You must crush the ginger to extract a tablespoon of its juice and then add a drop of honey to it. Consume this mixture immediately. Each night before you sleep until your period.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera helps balance hormones and alkalizes your body to achieve menstrual regularity. You can extract a spoon of fresh gel from an Aloe Vera leaf and then add a drop of honey to it, consume the mixture immediately. Make it a part of your daily breakfast routine.


The above fruit helps spike body heat and induce uterine contractions that trigger the onset of period. You must peel a pineapple and blend its slice to prepare a glass of fresh juice, consume this immediately. Every day until your period.


This aromatic spice can do more than just add flavor to your meals, it is known warm up the body and induce your period. Crush two Cinnamon Seeds and add to your daily glass of milk or tea. Every morning until your period.



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