Friday Feeling: Dreams Come True If We Have The Courage To Pursue Them

Update: 2020-06-05 00:55 IST
Friday Feeling

Friday Feeling: It's Graduation Day and you are all excited to throw that hat up in the air to celebrate your successful completion of a degree. So, what next? Do you have a goal? Yes. Most of us do, at least that point. I want to become an astronaut, I want to be a scientist, an engineer, doctor..we have all heard the cliched talks that happen on Graduation Day and just like that, in the blink of an eye time flies. The next you know is somebody has become an entrepreneur while another has become a doctor as he desired. But you took the unbeaten path but are successful and happy with your choice of profession.


So, what is it that makes one pursue one's goal? It's easier to dream and set a goal but it requires a lot of courage to pursue one and fulfill your dreams.

Once you set your goal, it requires penance (if I can call that) to achieve it. Sadhana is the key to reaching your goal. There are obstacles because no path is rosy. But with little bit of perseverance, confidence and hard work, achieving your goal should not be impossible. Don't let your dream stay a dream. Pursue it, do all that is required to get it at any cost. A person with conviction will walk the extra mile, put that extra effort to reach his goal. Once you set a goal, you will have to fight against odds so be prepared for it. But remember, it requires effort, time and work to get to where you are. Have a road map and follow a plan. But make sure you are convinced about what you are about to do. Unless you believe in yourself, it won't be easy to get to where you want to be.

The weekend is here and you have ample time to contemplate and plan things for the future. Put time to good use and nothing can come in between you and your goal. Good Luck. 



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