Bengaluru: Doctors remove solidified stool from bowels of woman born with birth defect

Update: 2022-02-17 00:31 IST

Bengaluru: A 29-year-old woman from Bangalore was treated successfully from recurrent fatal intestinal obstruction at BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital. The patient was born with imperforate anus (inability to pass motions at birth) for which she went through four complex surgeries from childhood to adolescence. However, post these surgeries Yamini (name changed) had multiple episodes of intestinal obstruction which forced her to get admitted to the hospital.


The patient was admitted to the hospital on 7 December 2021, with abdominal pain, vomiting and pelvic pain. After a few rounds of tests and CT scan, it was finally found that there was a large concrete (hard faecolith) stool stuck in the pelvic area due to the long-standing stricture of the neo-anal canal along with features of intestinal obstruction in relation to her existing ileostomy and a substantial length of intestine unused. For a suitable, immediate and permanent solution to this problem, doctors meticulously planned the treatment. After the consent from the family, doctors performed a complex 7-hour relieving the obstruction/reconstruction/ rejoining surgery, colostomy of the left colon and removal of the concrete stool which has helped Yamini get back to her normal life.

Imperforate anus is known to be a rare inborn abnormality which can be treated with right surgical correction. It is essential to treat early as untreated intestinal obstruction can cause poison build up, tissue death and infection in the abdomen which can be life threatening if untreated.

The 29-year-old went through multiple episodes of intestinal obstruction, after going through four surgeries in a span of 20 years. The surgeries were performed to treat imperforate anus which is a rare birth defect. At that moment, when Yamini was in a state of despair, pain and unable to carry out her daily routine, a doctor recommended her to Dr Nagabhushan JS, Senior Consultant (GI and Colorectal Surgeon), BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital, for the advanced treatment.

Dr Nagabhushan said, "When the patient was admitted, she was suffering from recurrent intolerable pain in the abdomen, unable to eat and vomiting coupled with very little passage of waste. After performing the appropriate tests, we realized block in the colon and block in the small bowel due to different reasons which required immediate attention. The girl was from an underprivileged family, and further delay in the surgery would have caused serious threat to her life. Hence, the team decided to perform the surgery at a subsidized cost."

Dr Neel Shetty, Senior Consultant (Surgical Gastroenterology, Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery), said the surgery was performed without further delay as Yamini's case was quite sensitive and complex.

Now the patient is doing very well. The hospital ensured that her immediate and future needs for appliance costs and accessories are taken care after negotiating a free service from Coloplast team.



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