When passion gave her a new life...

Update: 2019-06-24 22:55 IST

Deepika Biyani, a 48-year-old woman, who managed to balance her life with zeal that no one could ever stop her for what she wanted to achieve.

With no knowledge in the field that she is shining in now, she set up an example to all the single mothers out there that if you wish to achieve something in life and give the best to your kids there is nothing that could stop you from doing so…


Creating an identity

I always wanted to study and do something on my own. To create an identity of my own, but at the same time I was that girl, who was excited and wanted to do 'fairy tales-wali' love life.

In the final year of my MBA, I got married and soon my husband was diagnosed with cancer after we had two kids. He was a man of will power.

With his strong will power I saw him battling for life for two years. On his deathbed he literally told me one thing, 'I am sorry. I am leaving you and our kids all alone in this world. This world will never let you live with peace.'

I had to take a call and I did! I told him, 'No matter what and how worse the situation gets, I am never ever going to quit or run away.'

When he passed away, the ambience at home got worse. I couldn't let this affect the life of my daughters.

I took a call and with just Rs 1,000 in hand and my two daughters I came back to my parent's house from Nashik. My life was unpredictable; I was a widow and a single mom at 30, when I came back to my parent's place, my father was ready to help me.

But I never wanted to take financial help from anyone. Even if it's my parents, and then 'Riddhi Siddhi Art Kreations' came into existence. It was named after my daughters Riddhi and Siddhi.

Life threatened again

My children and I were happy. But as you all know, our society can never see any single woman/mother just be content enough. Also, there was pressure from my parents for me to get married.

Then there happened a few incidents that made me feel I should get married too as my kids surely need a father. I got proposals from many good families, but they would either accept one or none of my daughters. However, my only condition was to get married only when the person accepts me and both my daughters.

Finally, I got a man. Within a month of getting married that man told me that he won't take the responsibility of my daughters. I started working again.

I thought what if he is not taking financial responsibility at least he will take up his moral responsibilities. All I wanted was a father for my children.

Soon my son Laksh was born. I realised how strong we women are, I made up my mind. No matter how hard I have to work, I'll work but won't let this affect my children's upbringing.

I would wake up at 5 am do all the housework and then 10 am to 6 pm would work in my gallery. My kids' school was near our house.

So, I would make lunch for them and drop the lunch box all by myself to them and then get back to work again. Since I couldn't afford having more staff, once my kids would go to sleep, I would work on finishing the orders late night.

My husband was a drunkard, one day my husband just left us without giving any reason. We were all alone again. From my side, I tried convincing him to get back home, but he didn't.

I then realised I just can't let this affect me. I had to play the role of both mother and father to my children. And so, I did...

Riddhi Siddhi Art Kreations

In the business I chose, I have to deal with carpenters, artists, interior designers, material suppliers and logistics people. I made myself very strong.

I am in the field which is male dominant. I didn't let factors like being single and all affect me. I accepted the fact and just focused on making my work speak for me.

So, at my gallery we make wall murals, name plates, centre tables, etc. I had trained more than 3,000 students till date. I have also decorated 1,000 homes and office interiors.

I never happened to have interest in art, or I would say wasn't creative at all. I just started this as means to make ends meet but it soon turned into my passion.

Balancing personal and professional life

As a person it is very important to have balance in what you do. Personal and professional life plays equally important role. Don't let either of them overpower each other.

There are certain things which you can't deny, and you shouldn't deny because the true essence of womanhood lies in them. You will have many lows in your life.

People usually do not want to face them but run away or just act as if nothing happened at all. Running away or ignoring will never solve anything.

It might give you short term peace but in the long run you would be making a small stone turn into a mountain by yourself. So, acceptance is the key.

Message to single moms

Trust your instincts and keep taking steps toward achieving your goals. No matter how big or small steps you take, just keep moving and do not stop.

Do something in life, don't just exist but live every moment to its fullest.



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