Embracing Life’s Colours

Update: 2024-05-19 07:00 IST

Rajashree Chakraborty, a prolific writer born to Bengali parents, discovered her fervent passion for storytelling at a remarkably young age. Fuelled by her father’s legacy as a Bengali poet, Rajashree’s literary journey began with contributions to school and college magazines, where her talent for weaving narratives from her diverse experiences emerged. Her debut title, “Hues of Rainbow,” stands as a testament to her vibrant imagination and keen observation of societal intricacies. Through her writing, Rajashree offers readers a kaleidoscopic view of life, embracing the philosophy that “variety is the spice of life.” With an empathetic lens and a dedication to authenticity, she continues to captivate audiences, infusing her narratives with profound insights and colourful characters.


Rajashree Chakraborty, reflecting on her journey as a writer, revealed that her passion for writing ignited at a remarkably young age. “From a very early age, around 4th or 5th grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer,” she shared. Her inclination towards storytelling became evident when, at the age of 10, she penned a travelogue for her school magazine, which garnered praise from her peers, teachers, and family alike.

Drawing inspiration from her diverse experiences and interactions, Rajashree’s creative process is deeply rooted in her day-to-day life. As a member of the army, she has the privilege of encountering individuals from various backgrounds, each with their own compelling stories. These encounters serve as the foundation for her narratives, which she embellishes with her imagination to craft captivating tales.

During the creation of her debut title, “Hues of Rainbow,” Rajashree discovered surprising facets of her writing style and narrative abilities. “While writing, I felt the bitter truths of our society. Our patriarchal society often opposes the prosperity of women, and women can sometimes be the greatest enemies of each other,” she reflected. Her observations on gender dynamics and the struggles faced by women in patriarchal societies deeply influenced her storytelling.

Looking ahead to her next literary endeavour, Rajashree plans to explore themes of love and resilience with a romantic undertone. Through her characters, she aims to depict the triumph of the human spirit amidst adversity, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and self-acceptance.

In discussing the significance of book reviews, Rajashree emphasized their role in both motivating writers and guiding readers in their selection process. “Book reviews are incredibly important. They motivate writers and help readers get a clear idea about a book before reading it, making it easier to select and purchase without confusion,” she affirmed.

In a heartfelt message to her readers, Rajashree encourages a positive outlook on life, urging them to embrace the diversity of human experiences. “Accept everything with a positive outlook, and try to control your emotions because emotional health greatly impacts physical health,” she advised. Through her characters in “Hues of Rainbow,” she endeavours to convey the message that acceptance and empathy are essential ingredients for a fulfilling life journey.

Rajashree Chakraborty’s literary odyssey is a testament to the transformative power of storytelling. With her unwavering commitment to authenticity and empathy, she continues to paint vivid portraits of life’s myriad hues, captivating readers with her rich tapestry of narratives.



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