Skilling the women in bee keeping

Update: 2019-10-14 01:30 IST

FLO takes up bee keeping training for women farmers as part of skilling initiative, in alignment with the national vision of bringing more women farmers into agriculture

FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO), Hyderabad chapter embarked upon a women empowerment programme, Bee Keeping Training". The five-day training programme was initiated as their skilling initiative aligning with the national vision of bringing more women farmers in agriculture.


The training was held by Ramakrishna and his four-member team arranged by Training Institute Khadi Gramodyog Maha Vidyalay, at Chilkur.

About 32 women farmers have gone through the training programme. Besides Bee Keep Training, the women farmers were also trained in different aspects of the business.

"We will continue training programs in future. Another 100 women from different mandals are also being considered for the training programme in the next three months.

We are working on government subsidies to provide free bee boxes with queen bee. Cost of the training programs, resource persons, everything is met by FLO, "informed Sona Chatwani, FLO chairperson.

FLO has requested Khadi Gramodyog Maha Vidyala to get the bee boxes in association with centre at a subsidy.

Beekeeping is being carried out across generations in India. It plays a vital role in the livelihoods of the rural communities in four different dynamics; It is an income-generating activity; medicinal & food value of honey and other hive products is invaluable; it supports agricultural activities through cross-pollination, 04. it contributes immensely to forest and agriculture conservation efforts.

In Indian per capita consumption of honey was estimated to about 8.4 grams, while other countries, it was 200 grams. In India, honey is consumed mainly as medicine and religious purposes. A small amount is used in pickles, jams and preserves.

A large amount is consumed in Ayurveda pharmaceuticals. Now with the increasing production, there is an increasing trend to use honey in food.

More than 50 major honey producing plants species are found plenty throughout the country round the year, available for 6 months, and with minor honey flow for 3 months.

It is now realized that beekeeping has great importance in the agriculture-based economy,

FICCI FLO Hyderabad's Agriculture initiative committee in line with its national initiative is also planning to work with tribals near Tandur for custard apple farming and storage. Custard Apples have a very short shelf life.

We will help farmers produce these fruits and make them available all through the year informed FLO. We will be working on this project for a year, Sona added.

Training program concluded with handing over participation certificates. Sarpanch and the rest of the villagers showed interest to open the units as a cluster.

N Ravi Kumar, Principal of Khadi Gramodyog Maha Vidyalaya, Rajendra Nagar was also present during the certificate presentation. 



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