FLO gets new bellwethers

Update: 2019-04-25 22:01 IST

The New teams of FLO(FICCI Ladies Organisation) and YFLO—Young FLO lead by Sona Chatwani and Shilpa Datla, Chairpersons of FLO and YFLO respectively.

Interacting and delivering key note address "living on my own terms" the well known actress Tabu said "I am attached to Hyderabad. I didn't want to leave.

It was difficult to leave Hyderabad. I have my childhood memories here in this city. That is why I initially denied acting in movies as I didn't want to move away from the city, she said


Now that I am living in Mumbai, on any small execuse, I make it a point to come to Hyderabad, she shared.

Addressing the press conference prior to the change of guard, outgoing Chairperson Priyanka Ganeriwal Arora said my tenure as 17th Chairperson of FLO has been enriching and rewarding.

I had become a better version of myself she added.

During my tenure, the chapter has reached record number of members, 680 this year. The chapter hosted interstate meet, fecilitating 170 members from 15 states.

We had hosted 21events. We donated 1540 small kits, hygienic kits, much beyond the targeted figure of 1100, to those girls who dropped out of school due to lack of proper menstrual care, Priyanka informed.

Sharing her vision, incoming chairperson Sona Chatwani informed he Theme for the year " Reframing Women Empowerment". I will work on rebooting, reconnecting and reinventing with meaningful events, capacity building workshops and skill development initiatives.

FLO must become a dominant player for the women in India. We will take an active role to work with government to play a proactive role in policies making. We will also focus on STEM education in two girls schools in the city, she informed.

It is a mixed feeling, both pride and sadness". Pride because I have done my best for the development of YFLO members and sad because I am demoting my office, said Vinitha Surana, the outgoing Chairperson if YFLO.

My theme for the YFLO for this year will be "The New You", shared YFLO Chairperson Shilpa Datla.

In the coming year we will take up activities to create more awareness and encourage more women to get into Boards of various organisation.



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