Acid-alkaline balance; a key to good health

Update: 2020-10-29 02:47 IST

Acid-alkaline balance; a key to good health

I have never seen such a huge number of people getting obsessed with nutrition or counting calories, any time before the pandemic and the lockdown. Even the healthy foods are displacing their metabolic balance. Think of the digestive process as a raging fire where the ash left behind depends on the type of wood used. Similarly, the type of food you eat, leaves behind either an acidic by-product or alkaline.


The acidic waste, increases acidity of blood which in turn leaches minerals like calcium, phosphate from bones and hampers the optimum balance of all the various processes in the body.

The body functions optimally based on the balance of alkaline and acid levels, measured on the basis of pH. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Seven is neutral. Below 7 becomes increasingly acidic, above 7 increasingly alkaline. One needs 75 per cent percent alkaline foods and 25 per cent acidic foods. It is really easy to make the shift and reap the multiple benefits. Simply see that 50per cent of your diet is vegetables and fruits; most of them being alkaline.


Top of the list is Lemon – squeeze it on every food as it is acidic on the tongue but alkaline in the body. Seasonal and local fruits are the ones to add on. Currently it is papaya, bananas, chickoos, pineapple, pomelo. This will give you natural micro-nutrients as well as alkalize the digestive environment.


The entire gourd family from bottle gourd to bitter gourd is alkaline including pumpkin and mot vegetables! They add fibre, vitamins and minerals and phytochemicals as well.

Root vegetables

Root Vegetables like sweet- potato and yam are alkaline in nature. Eat as a grain exchange and add antioxidants Vitamin A and C to your meal.

Nuts and seeds

Coconut and flaxseeds are easily available in India and are the most alkaline in this category.

Whole grains and millets

Rajgira, jowar, unpolished rice are higher on the alkaline scale. Other grain flours like wheat when soaked, sprouted and ground reduce their acidic nature.


Owing to their high protein content are acidic but when soaked and sprouted is more digestion friendly. Add in freshly squeezed lemon juice to reduce acidic content.

Herbs like ginger has a pH of 7(neutral), cumin prevents acidity and green chili is less acidic that red chili, and your natural salts contribute to alkalinity in the body. Highly acidic foods include red meat, fish, poultry, egg, dairy, processed white flour products, refined sugar, aerated drinks and excess caffeine. Condiments like soy sauce, chilli sauce, vinegar, jams are acidic as well. Correct your body's acid- base balance by increasing the alkaline foods and reducing the acidic foods in your diet and reach your optimum potential. 



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