Healthy kids!

Update: 2024-06-23 09:33 IST

One of the best things you can give your children is good health. We might have all the wealth in the world, but a simple headache can bring us to our knees. Lately, lifestyle diseases are affecting even younger age groups. Social and cultural influences are very strong. Even schools and colleges dish out unhealthy food. Health education has become more relevant than ever. Invest in your child’s health before it’s too late.


What can you do to ensure that your kids don’t fall into this trap? Read on to find some ideas…

1. Children do what parents do

Remember most of us state that the best meals we have had are those that mom used to make for us as children? Children love meals made with love. When you make delicious healthy meals, children are bound to enjoy them. If you consume fast food and colas, your children are likely to want these too! The option to teach your children to enjoy health is in your hands.

2. Educate them visually

Whenever you read some interesting health news in the newspaper or magazines, share it with them. Watch health films, perhaps as a family. Show them some short health videos that are freely available on YouTube to bring home your point.

3. Teach them to read Labels

When they chose to buy something, get them to start reading the labels. Do an internet search to learn more about the ingredients that they don’t understand.

4. Take them to Farms / Farmers Markets

This the best way for them to appreciate the food that Mother Nature gives us. When they actually see how food is grown and buy the food themselves, they feel much more involved.

5. Cook together

Getting both boys and girls in the kitchen to do some cooking together is such a great way to spend time as a family. Kids then begin to value the food they eat, when they realise that a lot of effort preceded the meal that was laid on the table. It also ensures that they will be able to make their own meals.

6. Make Eating Out an Occasion

In earlier times, eating out was a special treat. Today many of us eat something out everyday! Cooking might become a long lost skill soon, as more and more of us eat out or order in. Make going out special. Slowly and steadily reduce the number of times you eat out. And when you do eat out, choose the restaurant carefully and order sensibly.

7. Be Smart

Invest time in learning tips and tricks to make your meals healthy. Make your own sauces. You don’t need to announce that there is no oil or sugar or dairy in something. If the food is presented well, most of the time they won’t even know the difference!

8. Get creative in the kitchen

Make green wraps with spinach and pink wraps with beetroot, and stuff them with the filling that your kids love. Present a fruit platter beautifully decorated and they will want to eat it! Serve salads in glasses. Make an interesting new recipe at least once a week.

9. Take them to the hospital

Help them make the connection between food, sickness and hospitals.

10. Have a healthy friend circle

If all your kid’s friends are eating healthy, they will start eating healthy too. Make the peer pressure a positive one. Get their friends’ moms together and work out a plan. It’s not a rule to serve junk food at birthday parties!

11. Volunteer to help at your child’s school

School admins are so occupied looking after other things, that most would appreciate your help in getting Health Awareness going at the school. Organise health talks and workshops by professionals for parents and students.

12. Don’t run after your child

They will eat when they are hungry! Allow them the pleasure of listening to their bodies and feeling hunger. And avoid deciding how much they should eat! Let them learn to eat according to hunger.

13. Keep healthy treats easily available

Buy organic and prepare home-made healthy treats regularly. Keep fruits, nuts and seeds handy so that your kids can munch on these when they are hungry. Keep addictive packaged foods out of the house.

14. Get their Vitamin D & B12 tested

Despite all the healthy habits that you may teach them, due to our artificial lifestyles many people have these deficiencies. We have seen even four year olds with low levels. So do check these out and supplement if necessary.

Dr Nandita Shah

That puts everyone off! If your children are eating wrong, let them be. They will learn with time. Lead them by example. Inspire them subtly.



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