Human body and spiritual body

Update: 2023-04-30 00:30 IST

Human body and spiritual body

The soul takes birth in human form many times over here on this planet. And we can see that the human form takes its time to develop into a fully formed adult from the stage of an embryo to a foetus and so on. Now most of the information about the person will be encoded genetically whether it is the height, weight, complexion and other physical attributes of the individual. These physical qualities are predetermined based on the mother and the father and the child will stop developing after a certain age. The human body can be called as the material body but there is also something called the spiritual body. The spiritual body is in existence much before the material body takes birth on the planet. The material body is simply a vehicle or an instrument that carries the spiritual body to earth and makes it possible for it to experiences and lessons according to the karma of the spiritual body.


We must first understand that these are two separate bodies and if the spiritual body is given a weak material body then it will have to spend this human form in the same vessel in this life.

The person with this body will continuously experience pain whether it is physical, emotional, mental, financial et cetera. The objective of the spiritual body is to have an experience that transcends the limitations of the material body. And to attain this spiritual practices like yoga and meditation are done to reach Samadhi or enlightenment and obtain the goal of self actualisation. We must understand that this is the true purpose of this life and it is not that we have come here to experience pain and suffering. We are so caught up in the mundane cycles of eating everyday but still we experience hunger and continue to suffer these human conditions.

Due to this we are unable to realise that there is more to life- a larger picture that we are unable to see. But when you align yourself with spiritual practices and spiritual training you will be able to understand this completely. It will become evident to you that in order to attain spiritual ascension we must use the material body to its ultimate potential.

What you feed your body will be its reflection. For example you could either feed your body with unhealthy habits and toxic addictions or keep your body healthy. You could laze around on the couch all day and feed your body unhealthy food or you could keep it active with nourishment and the right nutrition.

What matters is that you use this material body that you have been given to raise your consciousness and to feed your soul for a happy and enriching life. And this is what will ultimately enhance your spiritual body which is the main reason why we are born here.



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