The Role of Community in Spiritual Growth

Update: 2024-06-02 10:40 IST

Spirituality is a topic that has gained significant popularity in recent times, with many claiming a preference for being “spiritual” rather than religious. Youth and teenagers often post philosophical quotes by ancient philosophers and saints on social media with the tag “Being Spiritual!” However, does everyone truly understand the concept of spirituality and its essence?


Spirituality is the science of the spirit. It involves understanding our spirit, our soul, and seeking answers to fundamental questions like, “Who am I? Why am I here? Why did I take this human birth on earth?” It’s the realisation of the truth about birth, death, life, rebirth, karma, self-realisation, and ultimately, God. Spirituality teaches that we are not merely our bodies, minds, and egos, but souls – sparks of unique life energy. This energy is immortal, birthless, and deathless, originating from and returning to a Supreme Immortal Power (SIP), which is beyond human comprehension.

A community is a group of people sharing common interests, characteristics, thoughts, or ideologies. Communities provide a support network for individuals pursuing specific goals. But can community support facilitate an individual’s spiritual growth? While numerous communities claim to aid spiritual journeys, true spiritual growth is a personal journey. The ultimate goal of spiritual growth is to attain Moksha (liberation or salvation), and each person’s path is unique, shaped by individual karma.

Karma is personal and unique to each individual. No two people share the same karma, and thus, no two spiritual journeys are identical. Hence, while communities can offer support for social, economic, and religious growth, they cannot directly influence spiritual growth. Spirituality is about self-realisation and understanding one’s true nature, a journey that must be undertaken alone.

Even though spiritual growth is an individual journey, communities can still indirectly contribute. Religious communities can provide seekers with knowledge of scriptures, helping them transition from religion to spirituality. Religion is the kindergarten of spiritual education, introducing the concept of God, while spirituality is the university, leading to the realisation of God’s true nature. Religious communities can foster the yearning for God, guiding individuals to start their spiritual journey. However, at some point, individuals must transcend religion to pursue true spirituality, often with the help of an enlightened spiritual master. Spiritual communities consist of individuals at various stages of spiritual growth. These communities can motivate and support seekers by sharing knowledge and spiritual practices. The spiritual journey is challenging, often marked by fatigue, loneliness, and monotony. Many who start on this path struggle to continue without proper guidance or motivation. The realisation of truth can lead to contemplation, raising many questions, doubts, and hurdles.

In such times, spiritual communities or groups of like-minded individuals can provide invaluable support. They can help each other stay on the path, motivated by shared experiences and guidance from a spiritual master or guru. The spiritual journey remains personal, with each seeker facing unique challenges and obstacles. However, a community can play a crucial role in providing motivation, keeping the individual on their path, and ensuring they do not turn back.

The role of a community in spiritual growth, though limited, is significant. While the journey towards self-realisation and enlightenment is personal and unique, communities offer a support system that can keep individuals motivated and focused on their spiritual goals. Through shared experiences, knowledge, and the guidance of a spiritual master, communities can help seekers navigate the challenging path of spiritual growth. Ultimately, while the journey must be undertaken alone, the support of a community can make the journey more bearable and enriching.



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