Video song on Kesineni Chinni released on Vijayawada

Update: 2024-03-07 12:58 IST

Former mayor Koneru Sridhar praised Keshineni Shivanath (Chinni) as a disciplined and committed leader of the Vijayawada Parliament Constituency, known for his service and integrity. A video song release program was held at Keshineni Shivnath's office, NTR Bhavan in East Constituency Guru Nanak Colony, where the "Bejawada Keshineni Chinni Pata" video song was unveiled. The former mayor launched the CD of the song and highlighted Shivnath's dedication to serving the people.


During the event, Koneru Sridhar commended Keshineni Shivnath for his two years of service programs that have endeared him to the people. He described the song as a reflection of Shivnath's character and virtues, believing that it would resonate with the public. The song, written and sung by actor Rangam Rajesh under TNSF General Secretary P. Charan Sai Yadav's guidance, was well-received by the attendees.

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Notable figures present at the unveiling included TNTUC State President Gottimukkala Raghuramaraju, NTR District Minority Cell President Sheikh Karimulla, NTR District President Corporator Usharani, Corporator Gandhi, and TNTUC East Constituency President B. Nani. The event showcased Keshineni Shivnath's leadership and commitment to serving the people of the Parliament Constituency.



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