Are skills getting priority in our education system ?

Update: 2022-06-02 00:50 IST

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A NASSCOM survey carried out in 2019 reveals that only 2.5 lakh of around 15 lakh engineering graduates that come out every year are employable. This speaks volumes about the quality of our education system, which consists of 80% theory with little exposure to real-life situations and hands-on experience. In our system, focus is still more on issuing degrees or diplomas and less on skill development.


When The Hans India spoke to people on the issue, almost all of them emphasised the need to impart skills suitable for industry to the students through measures like internships, intense practical training, etc.,

I congratulate 'The Hans India' for taking up a campaign that is the need of the hour. Hope The Hans will continue to wake up sleeping policy makers in education ministry. Yes, higher education dept must rise to the occasion and stop promoting just degrees and PG diplomas without skill development. Colleges and universities must have a tie-up with industries and sharpen the student skills, both of the mind and hand. Skill development should be the other side of the education coin. Hope the campaign will catch up and wake up the Central and state governments and trigger in a skill development revolution.

- Rajasekhar, Associate professor, YVSRCET, Anantapur

Students are not able to get jobs in their chosen field of education for want of skill-oriented teaching in the classrooms. The governments and leaders talk tall of skilling students and the need for practical knowledge in education, but precious little is done on this front. A mason is better than a B Tech graduate because the mason has practical knowledge. So, skill-based education is important otherwise the growing unemployment problem can't be be addressed.

- Duddela Balakrishna, Advocate, Tirupati

There is a need to introduce skill development courses from Class VIII to improve skills of the students. Internship should be made compulsory for all courses to get practical knowledge. The students studying polytechnic, B.Tech courses are doing internship. Similarly, the students of Intermediate and degree courses must do internship relating to their courses to improve their skills and to get practical knowledge. The students who have hands on knowledge will get better jobs.

- Naramala Hanumantha Rao, Teacher, ZPHS, Piduguralla.Palandu district 

Skill development should be an integral part of the education system. The academic years that students spend should have an equal balance of imparting skills and practical industrial exposure as a part of the curriculum. This will certainly add value to the certificates the students get post the completion of graduation and post-graduation. Transformation of the education system is the need of the hour. Equipping students with employability and survival skills has to be made part of the education system. - DMS Karthik,

M Tech graduate, Visakhapatnam 

Students need practical training and should be aware of current affairs. Moreover, the students must do at least six months to one year internship and should undergo training at the industries or the workplaces. Just getting degrees or diplomas has no value these days. The government should take care of imparting training and promote skill development. In the highly competitive world the students can't survive without practical training and general knowledge. Depending on the profession they choose, the students have to update their knowledge and skills.

- J Suresh Kumar, Marketing Executive, Vijayawada

Skill-based education is absent in present curriculum, which is the main reason for students failing to land jobs after education. Noted engineer Mokshagundam Visweswaraiah who lived in an era where there was no internet constructed Tirumala ghat road. This was possible only due to his skills in his field but the present students have only bookish knowledge which does not help them in getting suitable jobs. Skill education is always preferable and also beneficial to the students. Present education system is not giving a priority for the skill oriented education, which should be changed.

- TV Manohar, Secretary, Young Elite Welfare Association, Tirupati

In the present competitive world, degree certificate alone is not sufficient for securing job. The course-related skill development is must as all multinational companies prefer to recruit the persons who acquired necessary skills. The governments have already focused on this aspect but skill development courses need to be made compulsory . Only a few universities in our state introduced skill development courses for reasons like shortage of faculty. This was also a reason for students not interested to join the courses. Universities should think in this aspect to eradicate unemployment problem.

- Avula Nikhel Anandh, ECE third year, Annamacharya College, Bryanapalle, YSR district



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