Are skills getting priority in our education system ?

Update: 2022-05-27 00:27 IST

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A NASSCOM survey carried out in 2019 reveals that only 2.5 lakh of around 15 lakh engineering graduates that come out every year are employable. This speaks volumes about the quality of our education system, which consists of 80% theory with little exposure to real-life situations and hands-on experience. In our system, focus is still more on issuing degrees or diplomas and less on skill development. When


The Hans India spoke to people on the issue, almost all of them emphasised the need to impart skills suitable for industry to the students through measures like internships, intense practical training, etc.,

Bachelor's degrees or PG certificates became testimony for the completion of the education at present instead of standing as proof for eligibility. Skill-based education should be incorporated in the curriculum right from Intermediate. The skills required for jobs after bachelors degree should be imparted during the course in the classroom. Theoretical knowledge will not be sufficient for students to find jobs after their UG and PG courses. Training to improve skills of the students should be given in accordance with his choice of the subjects selected.

Dr P Bala Hussain Reddy, senior scientist, Regional Agriculture Research Station, Tirupati

The government should give top priority to improving the skills of the students. Skills development programmes should be started from Intermediate or diploma first year. Internship should be compulsory for all courses, besides this the government should take steps to improve quality of education.

The students, who do not get jobs, should improve their skills to get jobs. It is the responsibility of every student to work hard and improve their skills.

Vedantham Rama Mohan, advocate, Guntur 

Skill-based education system will develop confidence among the students and will help them in finding jobs or get self–employed. The traditional education system which at present we are following will not be suitable for students to secure jobs in industry or technology fields.

The education may be a degree or PG, without skills is useless and moreover skill-based education will instill responsibility. The success of Japan or China lies in the skill-oriented education system. Soon after the completion of education, a student must know how to use resources for his success which only will come from skill-based education.

T Gopal, State president, Rashtra Jatheeya Upadhya Parishad (RJUP), Tirupati

I congratulate The Hans India for taking up number of issues and soliciting views from cross section of people. Our còuntry is always behind in many things. Skill development of our youth should have been initiated years ago. Central government should take the lead and implement the same in all States. Our AP government is just talking about it but do not know the initiatives it would take in this regard. All said and done skill development programmes should be taken up on a mission mode.

Tarimela Amarnath Reddy, social activist, Anantapur

The State Department of Higher Education should draw a road map for introducing skill development in all colleges. It can also upgrade polytechnics and industrial training institutes into centres of skill development. Diplomas and degrees are of course necessary but there should be a simultaneous emphasis on skill development.

In fact degrees and diplomas should be backed up with skill development . If a diploma is one year or two years it should be backed up with an extended training so that students coming out of colleges will be market ready. The world is changing but our education system is yet to rise to the occasion.

Courses and syllabus need to be updated. Skill development is the need of the hour. In the context of State government planning a skill development university, there should be a tie-up of the colleges with the skill development university. The university should be productive. A sea change should be witnessed in the employability of students soon.

Chandra Gaffoor, advocate, Anantapur

Our education system has been side tracked in hunt for marks and ranks rather than practical knowledge and skills. Most of the parents are concentrating on their children education in terms of quantity rather than quality due to which unemployment has become a major problem. However, with the increasing stress by government and private enterprises on skills, academicians, governments are now focusing on job-oriented education system and switched over to skill oriented courses from traditional degrees and diplomas. Practical experience, knowledge, skill training are being given more priority in different courses and vocational education system was also introduced at Intermediate level which is a welcome move to eradicate unemployment. Several industries and institutions are providing training through short term courses to their employees at initial stage after recruitment because most of the students have no practical knowledge and this gap needs to be filled through skill-oriented courses at all levels to get better placements soon after completion of courses.

Hanumanthu Giri, Assistant Professor, Department of English, B R Ambedkar University, Srikakulam district

Both theory and practical classes are important to the students to learn the subjects and settle in career. It is a fact that most educational institutions are awarding degrees without giving adequate training and imparting skills in their respective professions. I think it is not possible for all educational institutions to impart quality education with practical training and skill development. The students too have to change their mindset and learn subjects that have more demand. In the highly competitive world, the students should also be very careful about the employment opportunities, courses available and the job market. On one side, the government has to take initiative to change the education system and on the other side, the educational institutions and the students have to follow the latest trends in the industry and adapt to hone their skills.

Md Ameer Pasha, Marketing Executive, Vijayawada

Education should ensure the provision of learning and research resources along with equipping students with required skill sets to efficiently contribute to the development of research in their field of interest. The sole purpose of education is fostering knowledge and nurturing skill development.

Issuance of degree, diploma and awarding marks and grades is just the process adapted by the educational systems which ironically has become more important than the education and skill development itself. There is a need to accord larger importance to acquiring skills so that students can make a mark in the path chosen.

Challa Sushmita, research assistant, University of Louisville, USA



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