TSRTC staff joining duties will be protected: SP M Narayana

TSRTC staff joining duties will be protected: SP M Narayana

The district police assured protection to the RTC workers, who are willing to join duties as per the stipulated deadline by the State government. Stringent action would be taken against those who tried to obstruct the willing RTC workers from joining the duties.

Vikarabad: The district police assured protection to the RTC workers, who are willing to join duties as per the stipulated deadline by the State government. Stringent action would be taken against those who tried to obstruct the willing RTC workers from joining the duties. Threatening them, trying to attack or assaulting would be considered as a serious offence, said Superintendent of Police M Narayana, in a press statement, here on Sunday.

He assured the RTC staff, who were willing to join duties, that they could visit their respective depots without fear and police would extend protection to them. In case of assistance, they could call any police official or inform 100, the SP said.

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