RS Praveen Kumar inspects polling booths, says people voting peacefully

RS Praveen Kumar inspects polling booths, says people voting peacefully

RS Praveen Kumar, the Bahujan Republican Socialist Party (BRS) candidate for Nagar Kurnool Parliament, recently conducted inspections at various polling booths in Pebber

RS Praveen Kumar, the Bahujan Republican Socialist Party (BRS) candidate for Nagar Kurnool Parliament, recently conducted inspections at various polling booths in Pebber. Following his inspection, he held a press meet where he assured the public that there will be peaceful voting in the upcoming elections.

During the press meet, RS Praveen Kumar condemned the recent attack on a Member of the Parliament (MPP) in the Nagar Kurnool constituency and emphasized that such actions have no place in a democratic system. He reiterated his commitment to ensuring a peaceful voting process in the Nagar Kurnool Parliament.

The residents of Nagar Kurnool can expect a safe and secure voting experience thanks to the efforts of RS Praveen Kumar and his team. With his determination to maintain peace and order during the elections, voters can rest assured that their voices will be heard without any disruptions.

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