Hyderabad: Moazzam Jahi market to be thrown open on Independence Day

Moazzam Jahi market to be thrown open on Independence Day

Moazzam Jahi market to be thrown open on Independence Day


  • On August 14, a heritage walk is planned at the 85-year-old Moazzam Jahi market

The government is planning to develop the market as a cultural hub with dance, music and songs. The courtyard is strategically located and would be used for dance performances and theatre

Hyderabad: It's August 15 !! tweeted MAUD Principal Secretary Arvind Kumar. One of his pet projects, the conservation of the 85-year-old Moazzam Jahi market is now ready and would be officially thrown open to public on August 15.

Four months was the time frame the Principal Secretary had in mind in March 2018, the project stretched to over two years but the wait is worth it as the market is now given a fresh lease of life and is a splendour in stone and is restored to its past glory.

Ugly hoardings, nails between the crevices of granite, garish images and paintings have been removed. On Wednesday, workers were busy giving final touches and removing left over material. The platforms for meat shops were being cleaned and the doors painted in yellow. Ravinder Raju, a senior officer overseeing the works said, "Initially, the shop keepers were skecptical but once they saw the benefits all of them cooperated."

The benefits are there for all to see. During the heavy rains in the past few days, the courtyard which used get filled with knee deep water was dashboard clean as the drainage system is working well.

Like all heritage conservation projects, the Moazzam Jahi market too took time as lime mortar was used and the roof was completely repaired. All loose ends were plugged and arches that were damaged have been painstakingly restored with help of conservation architects.

♦ The market gets its name after Prince Moazzam Jah Bahadur, son of the Nizam VII

♦ The market was built by the City Improvement Board in 1935

♦ It is home to 120 shops which deal in fruit, vegetable, kirana, meat, perfumes and ice-cream

♦ The triangular market was built to divert crowd from Mehboob Chowk Bazaar, Residency Bazaar near Koti and Begum Bazaar

♦ Some of the tenants are doing business for over 60 years

♦ Some shops started with Rs 30 as rent per month are now paying Rs 4,800

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