WhatsApp Update: WhatsApp to Automatically Clear Unread Messages: How to Enable It

WhatsApp Update: WhatsApp to Automatically Clear Unread Messages: How to Enable It

WhatsApp is testing a feature to automatically reset unread message counts on app launch, improving message management and reducing clutter.

WhatsApp is reportedly developing a new update to help users manage their incoming messages more effectively. This feature, currently in the testing phase, aims to automatically clear the unread message count each time the app is opened.

New Update for Efficient Message Management

Picture this: it’s Monday morning, and you’re getting ready for work. You open WhatsApp to message a colleague, only to be greeted by a flood of unread messages. It can feel overwhelming, right? WhatsApp appears to be addressing this issue. As per a report by WA Beta Info, the latest WhatsApp beta for Android (version available on the Google Play Store includes this promising new feature.

Automatic Clearing of Unread Message Counts

The key highlight of this update is an option that allows users to automatically clear the unread message count every time they open the app. This feature, still under development, aims to help users manage their notifications by resetting the count with each app launch. By enabling this option, users can start with a clean slate each time they open WhatsApp, free from the clutter of unread message counts.

How It Works

A screenshot shared by WA Beta Info shows that users will be able to toggle this feature on or off. When enabled, the unread message notifications will be reset to zero every time the user opens WhatsApp. This functionality is designed to reduce visual clutter and alleviate the psychological burden of seeing numerous unread messages, allowing users to focus on new and important communications.

Benefits for High-Volume Message Receivers

This feature is particularly beneficial for users who receive a high volume of messages, especially from active group chats. Group chats can often generate a significant number of unread messages, many of which may not be immediately relevant. By resetting the unread message count automatically, users can prioritize new messages and manage their conversations more efficiently. This approach helps prevent older, less important messages from overshadowing new notifications, ensuring that users can address the most recent conversations.


While this feature is still under development, its inclusion in the beta version suggests it will soon be available to all users. However, WhatsApp has not yet made an official announcement, so users will need to wait for further updates.

Additional Features: Chat Filters

In addition to this upcoming feature, WhatsApp has recently started rolling out the Chat Filters option widely. These filters help users manage their conversations by splitting chats into categories such as All, Unread, and Groups. This allows users to find conversations with their favourite contacts more easily and quickly. With a separate filter for groups, users can effortlessly check all messages received in various group chats.

WhatsApp’s new feature to automatically clear unread message counts promises to enhance user experience by reducing clutter and making message management more efficient. Along with the recently introduced Chat Filters, this update aims to streamline how users interact with their messages, ensuring a more organized and focused communication experience.

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