Apple Crease-Free Foldable MacBook with M5 Chipset Coming Soon

Apple Crease-Free Foldable MacBook with M5 Chipset Coming Soon

Apple aims to introduce a foldable MacBook with a crease-free display and M5 chipset by 2026, says supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.

Apple, known for its meticulous approach to technology, has lagged behind competitors like Samsung, Google, and OnePlus in the foldable device market. Despite exploring foldable device concepts for years, Apple has yet to release one that meets its high standards. However, new information suggests that Apple is gearing up to launch a foldable MacBook with either a 20.2-inch or 18.8-inch display by 2026, aiming for a smooth, crease-free screen.

Ming-Chi Kuo, a well-regarded Apple supply chain analyst, has reported that Apple is working on developing these large foldable screens for MacBooks. According to Kuo, LG is slated to begin mass production of these foldable displays in the fourth quarter of 2025. The primary goal is to achieve a nearly crease-free experience, though this advanced technology will likely come at a premium cost. Kuo estimates that the price of the foldable MacBook could rival that of Apple's Vision Pro headset, approximately $3499.

Kuo also predicts that Apple will officially announce the foldable MacBook in 2026, with expectations to ship over one million units. In addition to the foldable design, it is anticipated that this MacBook will be powered by Apple's upcoming M5 chipset, enhancing its performance and efficiency.

Previous insights from display industry analyst Ross Young and the Korean tech site The Elec have also mentioned Apple's interest in a 20-inch foldable screen, corroborating Kuo's report. However, concrete details will only emerge when Apple makes an official announcement.

It is important to note that these plans are still in the early stages, and the potential launch is at least two years away. As Apple continues to refine its foldable technology, competitors like Samsung are already on their sixth generation of foldable smartphones. The industry will be watching closely to see how Apple differentiates its product and what innovations it brings to the foldable device market.

Patience will be key as we await further developments and official confirmations from Apple regarding its entry into the foldable market. Until then, speculation and anticipation will continue to build among tech enthusiasts and potential consumers alike.

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