Can a quick 60 second face wash give you a perfect illuminating skin? Try it out to know it

Can a quick 60 second face wash give you a perfect illuminating skin? Try it out to know it

Everyone is not born with perfectly smooth, bright, glowing skin So when someone gets to learn about the 60 seconds rule to get the illuminating skin would take it as the answer to their face prayers

Everyone is not born with perfectly smooth, bright, glowing skin. So when someone gets to learn about the 60 seconds rule to get the illuminating skin would take it as the answer to their face prayers.

Try cleaning your face for 60 seconds every night without faily for two weeks making sure every crevice of your face was make up free when you wash your face.

By end of the second week u can honestly see that your face looks a bit calmer, less red, and brighter. No i can say u would find your skin radically transformed. probably your boyfrind can notice it for you.


Possibly, and possibly not says dermotoligsts Mona Gohara, M.D associate clicnical professor at yale, noting that you need to have realistic expectations, first. it can give you softer skin- as long as you use the right cleanser and also more of a glow, since it'll stimulate circulation. But in terms of the 60 second rule totally annihilating your acne? Not so much. You cant wash away your hormones, or your DNA, or any of your other acne causing triggers. she says sorry to burst your bubble.

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