Classical Music App does wonders on stress, Sleep and Anxiety

Classical Music App does wonders on stress, Sleep and Anxiety

Yes Music can have incredible effects on our mind and soul But does this actually contribute to your health Studies say yes Lets see how

Yes! Music can have incredible effects on our mind and soul. But does this actually contribute to your health? Studies say yes. Let’s see how.

You experience severe headaches, confusion and dizziness, chest pain or a shortness of breath? Then you could suffer from high blood pressure, kidney failure a heart attack or even a stroke are only the worst outcomes. If you’re affected, you know the pain and fear the condition brings. And you are not alone.

High blood pressure on the rise: over 1.1 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure. And according to the ( WHO) the disease leads to roughly 7.5 million deaths each year. A shocking number, only to further.

In the western world, the consumption of salty and fatty foods, alcohol and a lack of exercise can get the blood pumping especially in combination with today’s work life balance, unhealthy dining and sleep deprivation are definitely taken to heart.

Classical Music App could be your answer:

You’ve probably been introduced to different medications, been told to do and what to eat and especially what not to do. And yet nothing really helps then classical music could be your answer.

The healing power of classical Music

The healing power of classical music is nothing new and has been practiced for 1000 years among tribes and people of all cultures but only in the past decades music therapy has found its way into the labs of modern scientists.

A dose of classic everyday might keep the doctor away

However, for a lasting effect you’ll probably need a daily dose of classical music as another study by the German university of Bochums suggests. Dr hans Joachim Trappe played patients pieces by Mozart and Strauss each lasting 25 minutes.

During this time, the listeners heart rate and blood pressure sank noticeably. The effect didn’t extend the duration of the mini concerto. However, observations from music therapy suggests that a regular consumption of classical music, possibly following the 10 second rhythm has a positive and lasting effect on high Blood pressure patients.

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