Indians leave variety of items in cabs: Uber

Indians leave variety of items in cabs: Uber

Next time you hail a cab, you may not find Nemo, but dont be surprised to be greeted by other species of live fish A study by cabaggregator Uber revealed riders have forgotten live fish, milk sachets, prams, ukulele, bunch of banana, aluminium storage shelf, yoga mat, knee pad, and even sarees, in 2018

Mumbai: Next time you hail a cab, you may not find Nemo, but don't be surprised to be greeted by other species of live fish. A study by cab-aggregator Uber revealed riders have forgotten live fish, milk sachets, prams, ukulele, bunch of banana, aluminium storage shelf, yoga mat, knee pad, and even sarees, in 2018.

"Over the last year, we've seen objects including phones, cameras and bags top the list of items left in Ubers across India, followed by utility items like wallets, keys, clothing, and umbrellas rounding off the top ten," it said.

Besides leaving 'the usuals' like bags and phones, other items like knee pads, gold chains, baby prams, ukuleles, and live fish as well, it added. Other items include personal hotspot devices, toy cars, footwear (Crocs), while the other common items that people frequently leave behind include glasses, water bottle and phone charger.

As per the Uber Index, Bengaluru is the most forgetful city in the country, followed by New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Afternoon siestas seem to be the most at fault leading to forgetfulness, with the data revealing most such instances happen between 1-3 PM, while weekends emerged as the most common days.

In 2018, the most forgetful days were September 1, followed by June 9, September 2, July 15 and September 8. The company, which operates in 15 cities and counts on India as one of the biggest markets globally, however, did not reveal the quantum of instances of forgetfulness. Riders can trace their misplaced objects by selecting that trip and the 'I lost an item' option in the app, it said.

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