Heavy rush for e-KYC at Aadhaar centres

Heavy rush for e-KYC at Aadhaar centres (Photo Credit: K.R. DEEPAK)

Heavy rush for e-KYC at Aadhaar centres (Photo Credit: K.R. DEEPAK)


Govt rider for ration rice triggers panic among people

Vijayawada: A near panic situation has been created at all Aadhaar centres in the State as thousands of parents and children are rushing to Aadhaar centres for updating their Aadhaar cards as the government had issued orders that all beneficiaries, who are getting ration, must update their 'Know Your Customer' details before August 31. It is also said that they would not get benefits like Amma Vodi and Jagananna Vidya Kanuka if the KYC details were not updated.

However, the Civil Supplies department late on Wednesday clarified that if need be the date would be extended and that there was no need for panic.

The government distributes 5kg rice per person every month and a maximum of 20kg to each family.

But many children do not have Aadhaar cards. Till now, the government has sanctioned and distributed rice to all family members (four maximum) even though the children do not have Aadhaar card.

The government has now made it mandatory that all family members in the house must have Aadhaar cards to get 20kg of rice. The government sanctioned Aadhaar cards to many children basing on the fingerprints of the parents. Hence, the parents are now rushing to Aadhaar centres to update Aadhaar cards of their children. Many parents along with their children were seen at the Aadhaar centres since morning.

The Aadhaar centres are allotting time slots for updating the details and fingerprints. But because of the heavy rush, it was taking long hours. The applicants said they have to wait 3-4 days to upload the fingerprints and other details afresh.

Sruthi, a school student, who could successfully upload her latest fingerprints at an Aadhaar centre near IGMC stadium, Vijayawada, said she had registered her name four days ago and completed the uploading of fingerprints process on Wednesday.

Many parents said they had to stand for three to eight hours in queues at the Aadhaar centres to register their names for Aadhaar update. They urged the government to open more centres to clear the rush.

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