Though I was attacked twice, I never lost hope, says a Covid warrior

Though I was attacked twice, I never lost hope, says a Covid warrior

Though I was attacked twice, I never lost hope, says a Covid warrior


The victory over the Coronavirus was not easy, it was a 28 days long battle with breathe says covid warrior Deepshika from Kondapur. "Almost I was in a life and death situation but with hope, I have won the battle twice," she added

Hyderabad: The victory over the Coronavirus was not easy, it was a 28 days long battle with breathe says covid warrior Deepshika from Kondapur. "Almost I was in a life and death situation but with hope, I have won the battle twice," she added.

Sharing her Covid Journey Deepshika said, "I have successfully beaten the deadly Covid -19 infection twice in 28 days of Home Isolation. I had to travel interstate due to unavoidable reasons and I suspect this is how I got infected with the virus. I would strongly recommend consulting a doctor before testing or taking any medication. During my quarantine I went through all the social media videos and stories and they helped me to a great extent."

"On the morning of April 14th , my body started to ache and I felt a bit feverish although no high temperature was recorded. But by afternoon, the body ache got severe, eyes started to burn, and the temperature had touched 99.4. I began to Feel nauseous and lost my appetite, Fever touched a new high of 99.9 and the body ache became unbearable. Even Crocin/Paracetamol didn't work. Suspecting I could have contracted the virus, I got my symptoms evaluated through the home sample collection of Covid test as suggested by my doctor and also started the prescribed medication by him on the same day," says Deepshika.

Briefing about her second time Covid positive report she said, "My symptoms were almost gone in five days. I developed a bit of dry cough and mild heaviness in my chest which was not getting better on its own. There was no fever, no discomfort but mild dry cough and heaviness in my chest continued especially while talking on phone. I was working from home but was not very productive as I could not focus on my work. I continued with my daily morning and evening meditation practice which helped me keep my mental balance during this isolation. But I have tested positive again"

Then I stood up for myself and decided to be active at any cost and I started doing 50 Suryanamaskar with 50-100 burpees from 15th day onwards. After these workouts, I felt a burst of energy throughout the day and could sit longer with more concentration during my meditation sessions. I was able to focus better and work for 3-4 hours a day. I was sleeping for 10-11 hours at night along with a couple of hours nap in the afternoons. I started doing good physically with these yoga asanas, But was extremely frustrated psychologically being in one room all alone for 28 long days. Now, I feel better after coming to life I see shines in smiles of my family with good health.

"However, I am forever grateful to my family, friends and colleagues who kept encouraging me over numerous phone calls and messages and this is how I could successfully complete my 28 days long room quarantine after being infected from Covid-19. Now I am all set to donate my plasma as a recovered Covid patient. Stay safe and stay hopeful," she ends.

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