Hyderabad: College of Defence Management renews MoU with Osmania University

College of Defence Management, hyderabaf

College of Defence Management, hyderabaf


College of Defence Management (CDM) has renewed its MoU with Osmania University.

Hyderabad: College of Defence Management (CDM) has renewed its MoU with Osmania University.

The CDM located at Secunderabad is a premier management educational institute of the defence services. The training programmes conducted at the college aim at enhancing managerial skills of the defence service officers in various disciplines of management concepts, techniques and application of the same at executive directors' level to solve various management problems in the defence services.

Considering the ever increasing popularity and subscription of the management courses conducted at CDM, the vacancies in both MMS and PhD programmes have been enhanced and a fresh MoU has been signed by Rear Admiral Sanjay Datt, VSM, Commandant, CDM, and OU Registrar Prof P Laxminarayana in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof D Ravinder, incorporating the latest regulations promulgated by the UGC.

Renewal of this MoU has further strengthened the 28-year old bond between these two elite institutions, said a senior defence officer.

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