Hyderabad: Ayurveda may be effective against pandemic

Ayurveda may be effective against pandemic

Ayurveda may be effective against pandemic


Hyderabad: Epidemics and disasters do not come on their own, they are a precursor to human error. Violations of natural law or tampering them can lead...

Hyderabad: Epidemics and disasters do not come on their own, they are a precursor to human error. Violations of natural law or tampering them can lead to epidemics that are difficult to treat.

According to an Ayurveda expert the earth, sky, fire, water and the air are called Panchabhutalu.

By disturbing or polluting them mankind invites calamities like Corona says Dr N Uma Srinivas Rao, Vice-Principal, Dr B R K R Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad.

Air, land and water got badly polluted during last century and in the name of modernisation and development forests have been destroyed leading to global warming. The tsunamis and floods we faced in the last decade were precursor to the pandemic that we are now witnessing, he said.

'Though it is over one year now, we are yet to find cure for it.

Still trial and error method is on in providing treatment in hospitals. The vaccines that have been found also help in improving immunity levels but is not a permanent cure. Ayurveda which is known as ancient form of medicine is also conducting research to find a remedy for this novel virus' Dr Rao said.

Ayush Research Platform is conducting research and soon the project report would be submitted by the researchers. If the trials prove the efficacy of the new medicine, then it will be approved by the government.

Speaking on the current situation he said that Ayurveda provides one of the best immunity boosters. People with low immunity levels who catch the infection fast, should use

Guduchi, (Amrutha in Sanskrit), Ashwagandha and turmeric, these can prevent the people from Coronavirus.

But then, he said they should be used in limited quantities as per doctor's recommendation. People should not follow all that they read on social media as it could lead to greater complications, he said.

Dr Rao said that many people are using Kadas and various other herbs without doctor's advice. 'This can be harmful. All herbs may not suit everybody. What kind of herbal medicine should be used will have to be decided by the doctor depending upon the health profile of the individual people', he added.

'For example, turmeric is a very good antibiotic, but this does not mean one should consume lots of turmeric. That would cause greater harm to the system' he cautioned.

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