More people seeking Naturopathic doctors over conventional ones

More people seeking Naturopathic doctors over conventional ones

More people seeking Naturopathic doctors over conventional ones


  • Mid-Age believe traditional medicine, such as Naturopathy and , is a healthier option, says Shraddha, Director of Kshemavana

Bengaluru: More people than ever are seeking natural health care treatments and are choosing naturopathic doctors over conventional doctors. The frequent visitors to the wellness centers are in their 30s, 50s and their 70s for a variety of ailments. Most of the visitors belong to the middle-aged groups, claim doctors at SDM Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences.

Speaking to The Hans India, SDM Kshemavana, Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Narendra Shetty said, The frequent visitors(Sadhakas) are of middle age groups, majority of these are related to improper lifestyle like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, dysregulated thyroid issues, gastritis, stress related insomnia and anxiety. Due to the current day fast paced lifestyle, competitiveness in every sphere of life and improper food habits among youngsters these days tend towards disorders like anxiety, depression, acne, obesity and insomnia, regressive stress injury. In recent times we have seen a drastic increase in menstrual disorders like PCOD in younger women, if not corrected can progress to PCOS and infertility. All of these ailments can be easily corrected without medications by naturopathy and yoga.

He said, Kshemavana is most frequently visited by people for lifestyle related ailments. People also visit Kshemavana to undergo treatments for management of autoimmune disorders and skin related disorders like psoriasis, dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis and the likes. At Kshemavana, we also focus on the physical and mental wellness. Physical and mental wellness and wellbeing is not something that can be changed by putting in only a few days of effort out of the year. It is a continuous and conscious process that each one of us needs to carry out in our daily life whenever possible. Like for example, the mindful eating practices mentioned earlier that greatly impact both the mind and body, are to be practiced daily and not just when at a center like Kshemavana.

However, the Sadhakas are advised to visit, at least once in every major seasonal change for a general detox or twice a year in order to get a complete relaxation and reset so that it will jumpstart whatever healing processes need to take place and to give confidence to them in terms of taking care of themselves. It can be considered as a sort of crash course or servicing your body once in a while.

Dr Narendra Shetty says, There are a variety of naturopathic treatments available here that are based on the five pillars of Kshemavana. As they undergo treatments, the sadhakas are continuously being educated about the right lifestyle practices that need to be followed in order to maintain the progress that has been made during their healing journey which they begin at Kshemavana. In addition to this before departing from here they have a session with their consulting doctor and are given a detailed explanation as to what treatments, diet etc. need to be followed once they get back into their routine. This is also given to the patients as a hard copy for their future reference.

A few things that are advised in general are mindful and healthful eating habits, proper sleep hygiene and regular yoga/exercise. Sadhakas aren't expected to follow 100% of the practices carried out here as that is not possible but even 25% of change in the daily lifestyle can lead to big improvements in the long run. Kshemavana uses Evidence based treatment protocols for treating the Sadhakas. "Grain Free Diet is one another factor that is followed here. We mainly focus on Micronutrients and Gut health. A variety of massages are also a special offering," Dr Narendra Shetty said.

He added, The average amount of time required to obtain some sort of relief that will give a lasting effect is about 10 days. The minimum stay however is 7 days at the center and the duration may be extended depending on the condition and prognosis of the Sadhaka.

Consumers are increasingly choosing Naturopathy as a substitute for Western treatment in India, according to the wellness sector. Speaking on the naturopathy wellness industry growing in the future, Director of Kshemavana, Shraddha Amith says, "Middle-aged people are more likely to experience this because they have parents with a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other conditions that call for ongoing monitoring and medication.

They believe that traditional medicine, such as Naturopathy and Yoga, which include treatments including diet, nutrition, manipulative therapy, and hydrotherapy, among other things, is the healthier option."

"Naturopathy, a form of conventional treatment, offers them little-to-no side effects, which is the main factor driving its rising popularity. While this is happening, a new consumer behavior is emerging as a result of the worldwide pandemic, where people are starting to become more health conscious and work to be well again as quickly as possible after getting sick. This has led to an upsurge in startups and companies that target the wellness industry," said Shraddha.

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