MyVoice: Views of our readers 21st January 2024

MyVoice: Views of our readers 4th October 2024

MyVoice: Views of our readers 4th October 2024


For a question how Dharma looks like, the answer is Dharma looks like Rama

Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmaha, gives no space to any party

V Ramu Sarma's Bold Talk "Hey Ram! Why are they crying foul?" (Hans, Jan 21) deftly deals with dragging of ongoing Ram temple issue, linking it with politics. People always think that they should visit Kasi at least once in lifetime. Similarly, now Ayodhya. Rama was apolitical in nature and harmonious with all creatures and protector of Dharma by all means and destroyer of evil spirits mercilessly. To define RAMA: RA opens the mouth and drives away all our sins and MA shuts the lips disallowing evil spirits to re-enter into our body.

For a question how Dharma looks like, the answer is Dharma looks like Rama. It is the only luminous and lustrous incarnation of Lord Vishnu out of ten, with all sixteen sparkling qualities. Such a lovely person's temple issue is being confused by anti-BJP leaders specially INDIA bloc which should see it in flash back in 1992. Babri Masjid was grounded by BJP/RSS during Congress rule under the Prime Ministership of PV Narasimha Rao who also kept silent during demolition. Political parties should have wisdom, intellect, shrewdness to think pros and cons before taking a decision on non-political matters. INDIA bloc's conspicuous absence during consecration on January 22 may not be a wise one.

–NSK Prasad, Hyderabad


The INDIA bloc has refused to attend the Temple consecration just because the temple is only 40 per cent completed and BJP is using it as a political event but not as religious ceremony. You said that history will expose the attitude of India bloc not attending the consecration, but history will also expose the PM Modi inaugurating the temple despite Shankaracharyas saying that it is not good to inaugurate the incomplete Temple. The four Shankaracharyas stated that the Pran Prathishta ceremony of idol of Sri Ram without completing the temple is a violation of the Hindu religious norm. So, their decision has a merit.

The Congress party and other parties clearly described and opined that the BJP is trying to reap political dividends and consecration ceremony as a political project of the saffron party. It is clear fact that the BJP has been exploiting majoritarian Hindu sentiments to consolidate its vote bank. So, the opposition bloc is right to swim against the tide with respect to the Ram temple inauguration. India bloc knows very well that refusing to attend the consecration the BJP will try to comfort the anti-Hindu slur on the opposition bloc. Will the political power also brand the Shankaracharyas as "Anti- Hindu?” PM and his party are trying to create national frenzy around the consecration as a transformative moment in India's history, whereas Rahul Gandhi is trying to bring bread and butter issues into focus. For opposition, it is difficult to go to a political function (religious function converted into political function) which is designed around by PM and RSS. India bloc has done right thing by turning down the inauguration of the Sri Ram temple.

Zeeshan, Kazipet


Prime Minister who leads the nation in the run-up to the grand event of the century of the installation and consecration of Lord Sri Rama aptly said it would steal the show and be witnessed by thousands of Hindus and even citizens of other religious faiths. From the temple town of Ayodhya to down south of Rameshwaram and to Dhanushkodi, the chanting and prayers of the lord will be on every one's lips. Thus, Hinduism and more importantly Ram and Ramayana will spread across entire globe. Thus, Sri Ram will become a global god with a universal appeal and following. The teachings and relevance of the epic in the present-day tumultuous world will be learnt and known thru these NRIs while it will be continued to be remembered and revered by Hindus of Akhand Bharat.

Nochur Balaji, Hyderabad


Believers in the notion of separation of the State and the Church are flummoxed by the conferment of legitimacy on the blatant commingling of religion with politics. If Ayodhya is the ‘Hindu Vatican’, who the ‘Hindu Pope’ is pretty obvious and easy to guess. The BJP is riding the crest of the Ayodhya movement re-launched with renewed vigour in the late 1980s to contain the growing clamour for social justice. The sequence of events leading up to the construction of the temple does not allow for ‘unalloyed joy’ over the Pran Pratishtha. It is extraordinary that the Sangh

Parivar has pulled out all the stops to make the Hindus cutting across castes ‘feel involved’ in the celebrations and elated and ensure that they are part of the collective triumphalism.

The flip side is that the wave of piety renders the bread-and-butter issues and the cause of social justice almost irrelevant in the political arena. Nobody enquires about the promises to create 2 crore jobs and double farmers’ incomes or, broadly speaking, to usher in ‘acche din.’

G David Milton, Maruthancode, TN


At the outset, I like to mention a relevant piece from the book "Recovery of Faith" (page 184) authored by Dr S Radhakrishnan, former President of India, on secularism. "When India is said to be a Secular State, it does not mean that we reject the reality of an unseen spirit or the relevance of religion to life or that we exalt irreligion. It does not mean that secularism itself becomes a positive religion or that the State assumes divine prerogative.....We hold that not one religion should be given preferential status.....This view of religious impartiality or comprehension and forbearance, has a prophetic role to play within the National and International life". Bloc INDIA and other political blocks should not look at the concentration ceremony from the political angle and participate in the event without fail, failing which there is a possibility of BJP converting this occasion as its strength to further weaken the bloc INDIA.

N Ramalakshmi, Secunderabad


Construction of Sri Ram temple has in fact been initiated only after the Supreme court gave its judgement as regards Ayodhya land disputes after decades of court arguments and counter arguments once for all. In fact, several other issues have also been decided by the highest court in our India in recent times. Naturally, the construction of the temple has been taken on a war-footing ending in its inauguration on 22nd of this month by the PM of our country Narendra Modi. I don't understand why the Congress calls it a political event by boycotting to participate in the inaugural ceremony. They should be aware that Rama is so divine in our country that even during the ceremony of 'Aksharabhyasam' for the children, the first word that is being written is 'Srirama' on the slate. Therefore, boycotting such an auspicious event by the Congress party is nothing but digging its own grave in the coming general elections of the country.

Katuru Durga Prasad Rao,



The reason Ram is resonating today with all Indians is that we as a nation and a civilization are looking to return to our roots. While we may follow modern technologies and lifestyles, we want the emotional quotient to be fulfilled by the life of Lord Ram. In these days of constant abuse and a toxic environment, the Ramayana stands out as a take on valour, justice, fair play, fundamental decency and honesty. It stands out as a take on obedience, on supporting each other and the underdog and the everlasting theme, however long it takes, good will triumph over evil. Without the stupendous efforts and perseverance of the Prime Minister, the state’s Chief Minister and millions of Ram Bhakts, the Kar Sevaks, we would not be here today, awaiting the momentous moment. As we wait for our call to Ayodhya by the Lord let us bask in the glory of the moment, the divinity of the occasion.

C.K Jayanthi Maniam, Mumbai


It is unfortunate that many have declined the invite to Ayodha for their own political ideological reasons. One should not forget that Hindus enjoy a majority status in our country and any event or festival which tries to unify them and get them on to a single platform should ordinarily be a momentous occasion to partake & not to summarily boycott it. Lord Sri Rama is sought to be made a scapegoat for political reasons. The hype created by the saffron party for the occasion to some extent is true, but considering the long-drawn legal battle which preceded the event, facilitating the consecration of the idol is no mean achievement for which the BJP will rightly take due credit. I don't think, the party will use this to gain electoral gains as is purported to be believed. Yes, it will be added as another feather in the BJP's cap and perhaps will help it without the party publicizing this success while canvassing for the ensuing Lok Sabha polls. Come Monday Jan 22nd let us all come together and unite for a divinely gratifying experience which will remain etched in our memories for a very very long time to come.

–N R Raghuram Hyderabad


The present generation is lucky to witness the Pran Pratishan of Bala Rama Lalla idol at Ayodhya on 22nd Jan 24, the birthplace of Lord Rama (Hans India dt 20-1-24). More than 5 generations waited to witness this event. One should not look at this historic event from a political angle. It should be gauged as a true Secularist beyond society, caste, creed, religion and region. Undoubtedly, this event is going to bring back the golden era of India's spirituality, a visual symphony of Sanatan Dharma. India turned into the spiritual country in the world and UP, the spiritual state of India.

–Ganti Venkata Sudhir, Secunderabad


The writer V Ramu Sarma boldly and correctly analysed that the confrontationist attitude of pseudo secularists from the day of announcement of consecration of the idol of Lord Rama at the magnificent temple on 22nd of this month not only shocked the believers but also strengthened their hatred towards the majority Hindus. It is ironical that INDIA bloc leaders are giving lame excuses to skip the event when the event happens to be the greatest moment in the lives of majority Hindus. By bringing together leaders from Judaism, Christianity and Islam on one platform to witness the event that has potential to foster a shared understanding of the importance of love and peaceful cohabitation, it is indeed shocking and painful that disgruntled pseudo secular parties have failed miserably to understand the significance of this historical movement when Ayodhya emerges a beacon of hope showcasing that even age-old conflicts can find resolution without resorting to violence.

–K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad


For, all through the long struggle for the Ram temple at his perceived birthplace, the Congress record has been most duplicitous. It opposed the Ram temple campaign to begin with, then opened the gates of the disputed structure in Ayodhya; it allowed the Shilanayas at a disputed spot in Ayodhya, then had the temerity to file an affidavit in the Supreme Court to question the existence of Lord Rama. It talks of the separation of politics and religion, but at election time its leaders go around visiting temples, claiming to be “Janeaudhari” Hindus and Shiv bhakts. As for the credit for the temple in Ayodhya, isn’t it only right that those who spearheaded the temple movement should get the credit? Congress legitimately cannot lay claim to it. The Opposition's claim of following the policy of secularism by not participating in the Ayodhya inauguration is flawed. It is with an eye on the Muslim vote that the Congress decided to turn down the invitation but will face the wrath of Hindus and will go down in the history.

–N Sadhasiva Reddy, Bengaluru


Alas the so-called INDIA bloc is looking at the event through coloured prism and is afraid that the event may fetch BJP some political gains in the general elections. It may be true but by boycotting the magnificent event the opposition apart from hurting the sentiments of majority Hindus have caused grievous injury for themselves. Whoever is not interested, let him/her not take part but passing on adverse vicious comments will attract the wrath of the people. At least until the holy consecration of Ram idol is carried out let all the so-called secularists maintain silence as the event is the solemn one and the country is deeply immersed in the spiritual atmosphere of Rama idol consecration event.

–Rama Krishna M, Kakinada


As the popular saying goes, the dogs bark and the caravan passes on. The spiritual ecstasy and the joy of the event is catching up on pan-India terms as big wigs from all walks of life are streaming into Ayodhya with one goal in mind, to be part of the great show on earth that the place is going to witness, whether invited or not. The organisations that are entrusted with making arrangements for meticulous culmination of this great event are simply baffled by the spontaneous enthusiasm and willing participation of countless voluntary groups each numbering 300 or more, who have come to offer ‘seva.’

Ayodhya will become an unprecedented religious tourist destination for the entire world as excellent road, rail and air connectivity are in place, and the spiritual tourism connecting almost all religious destinations is now possible without any hassle – even as the Lord Buddha’s ‘Maha Nirvana’ place, at Kushinagar has connectivity, with an international airport in place that speaks of enormous change that India has been witnessing in this decade of BJP rule at the Centre.

–K V Raghuram, Wayanad

India can become a Blue Zone

There is no irony that Blue Zones are regions of the world where people live elongated, improved, and more contented lives. The Blue Zone diet does accentuate whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes, and dampens processed foods, sugar, and meat. However, integrating the Blue Zone diet into Indian cuisine can be thought-provoking. In addition to dietary changes, other factors that subsidize to longevity in the Blue Zones comprise physical activity, social engagement, and a sense of purpose. Adopting dietary and physical habits like those in the Blue Zones in India has numerous benefits people can also try to engage in physical activity, such as yoga and meditation, and create a sense of community and belonging by spending time with family and friends that can help improve mental and physical health. India can become a Blue Zone by providing education on healthy eating habits, endorsing healthy food options, and making healthy food more reasonable and manageable. Encourage people to engage in physical activity, such as yoga, meditation, walking, and cycling, promoting physical activity through media campaigns, and providing stimuli for physical activity. India does volunteer itself to make its people to find a sense of purpose in life, such as through work, hobbies. This can be attained by promoting opportunities for finding a sense of purpose, and also providing spurs. By espousing the Blue Zone lifestyle, India can progress the overall well-being and life expectancy of its citizens. These notable shifts in one’s diet and activities, along with developments in medicine and living standards can lead to longer life expectancy. Both the Central and State governments need to focus on food security, and improvements in public health.

–Raju Kolluru, Kakinada

Antimicrobial Resistance becomes a grave concern

The government is now showing some signs of having understood the immense problems created by indiscriminate use of antimicrobials. Antimicrobial Resistance is posing serious issues claiming thousands of lives. India being a tropical country, pathogens are seen as more virulent, capable of mutating fast and raising resistance to antibiotics. No doubt, this necessitates careful study of the patients and prescribing antimicrobials accordingly. This makes it compulsory for the doctor to subject the patient to undergo different microbiological tests to specifically decide the suitable antimicrobial needed to be prescribed. Adhering to this system is inevitable. But there are many factors involved in the process. The practice of approaching the doctor with the initial symptoms is not in vogue. As most of the patients seek medical intervention only when a crisis like situation arises or only when the patient is incapacitated. In such a situation the patient expects the doctor to provide instant relief. The doctor normally chooses some broad spectrum antimicrobial which is able to provide relief to patients.

But due to poor knowledge about usage of antibiotics, lack of time for the doctor to explain the details and due to the expenses involved the patients mostly take the prescribed antibiotic for two days and with the symptomatic relief available with two days course the completion of course is normally not thought of. This is also a reason for pathogens to raise resistance in quick succession. In a situation like this, one cannot blame the doctor for not obtaining a microbiological test report to be more specific on the antimicrobial to be prescribed as this involves more time and expenses, which most of the patients are not prepared to spare; At the same time this cannot be overlooked also. There needs to be a multipronged approach to tackle this problem. The system of pre-treatment counselling should be brought in practice in which the doctor explains the nature of ailment and the treatment process and the costs involved. This helps the patients understand the need for undergoing tests who may not mind spending a little more for assured relief. Now this system is facilitated by incentivised recommendations for diagnostic tests already in practice. It is for the concerned authorities to insist and monitor mentioning the reason for prescribing the specific antimicrobial and to keep a strict tab on the dispensing counters to avoid selling antibiotics over the counter.

Above all, attending to the faulty system of pricing of medicines that provides unreasonably exorbitant profit and uncontrolled diagnostic costs is an imperative. Doctors also need to counsel the patients to have patience to understand and undergo the process of treatment though it involves little more time and expenses. This can also be a part of the curriculum for medical students as well as for high school students.

– A G Rajmohan, Anantapur


Sir, in a bid to curb misuse of antibiotics, and, more importantly, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the Directorate General of Health Services under the Union Health Ministry has made it mandatory for doctors to mention in writing the indication for prescribing them. This is a huge step in the right direction to clamp down on AMR which significantly adds to galloping healthcare costs in the country.

Patients are forced to spend fortunes on prohibitively expensive high-end antibiotics because simpler antibiotics like Penicillin and its analogues, which were ‘magic bullets’ against deadly bacteria once, have been rendered ineffective due to rampant misuse and over-the-counter dispensing by pharmacists without doctors’ valid prescriptions. Having said that, which authority will be monitoring the doctors’ written declaration regarding indication for prescribing antibiotics? Can the pharmacists in medical shops be entrusted with this important job This must also be addressed by the government.

– Dr George Jacob, Kochi

A glowing tribute to Babasaheb Ambedkar

The 206-foot tall monument which consists of 86 ft pedestal and 125 ft statue of Dr Babashaeb Ambekar was unveiled on Friday by Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy at Swaraj Maidan in Vijayawada. It is a jewel not only to Vijayawada city but also to the entire nation as it is the tallest idol in the world so far. It is a big tribute to Dr Ambedkar who is known as the architect of Constitution. We must appreciate the efforts of AP government which spent not only Rs 400 crore on it but also erected it in the heart of the city. Moreover, it turned 18 acres of ground into the Ambedkar memorial by making provision for library, museum and Dhyana centre.

The AP government is claiming that its flagship programmes are being implemented in the name of 'Navaratnalu' to realise the ideals of Ambekar. It gives inspiration to youth.

Of course, critics may say the actions of Modi government in utilising the consecration of Rama temple at Ayodhya and the unveiling of Dr Ambekar statue in Vijayawada by YS Jagan Mohan Reddy are merely to garner votes in ensuing elections. But it is their golden opportunity to make use of their term.

– Pratapa Reddy Y, Tiruvuru, AP

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