Suicides are preventable

Suicides are preventable

Dr C Veerender, Counselling Psychologist, says "Suicide is preventable, please reach out to us or any counseling centers or psychologists to get the help you need to overcome suicidal thoughts."

We were conducting an awareness program on mental health for students in a degree and PG college. It was designed for 3 days, and thousands of students, faculty, and some parents were visiting the stalls and appreciating the initiative. We were busy attending to the guests.

One girl, aged 18 years and studying BBA in a different college, was standing at the corner of the hall looking at the suicide poster. I went there and greeted her. She whispered with a low voice and smiled at me without any life in it. I asked her about the details and appreciated her for taking the time to visit the exhibition on mental health. She was a little embarrassed and asked me, "Can I talk to you?"

I said, "Sure, why not?" We proceeded to the counselling centre beside the exhibition. Then she started explaining her woes. She told me how her parents had conditioned her, how they didn't believe her. She said that every day was a torture for her. They always checked her books, they counted her time, and they would rudely interrupt her conversations. This went on all night. She said, "I don't want to live. I just want to die. I was going to Tank Bund to jump into the water to die. On the way, I saw the banner about mental health. I thought I would see it before I died. So, I'm here. I think I'm undergoing depression. It's killing me from the inside. I can't bear this pain for even a day. Please help me. I've been thinking and trying to find ways to die. What can I do?"

I said, "Okay, first of all, let me know if anyone in your family can support you or be there for you." She said that her brother loves her and is always there for her. I asked her if she believed him, and she said that she could to some extent. Then I asked her to call him. I gave her my phone to call her brother. In an hour, her brother came. He narrated a different story about her. He said that for the past few days, she had been saying that her parents were totally against her, but that they were actually very caring and helpful. He requested me to diagnose the issue and provide the necessary help. He promised to bring her to my counselling centre with her parents. We diagnosed that she is suffering from OCD, paranoia, and depression.

With the commitment of parents, brother the girl has recovered fast with the help of medication coupled with counseling sessions.

As per ICD 10- Defines suicidal ideation as “thoughts, ideas, or ruminations about the possibility of ending one's life, ranging from thinking that one would be better off dead to formulation of elaborate plans.”


1. Depressed mood.

2. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in activities.

3. Loss of energy or fatigue.

4. Loss of confidence or low self esteem.

5. Unreasonable self reproach or guild.

6. Recurrent thougths of death or suicide or nay suicidal behaviour.

7. Diminished ability to thin or concentrate or indecisiveness.

8. Psychomotor agitation or retardation.

9. Sleeplessness or more sleep.

10. Change in appetite, eat more or not eating.

11. If anyone observe this kind of symptoms better to meet a professional psychologist to get sorted out and lead happy life.

Suicide is preventable. Please reach out to us or any counseling centers or psychologists to get the help you need to overcome suicidal thoughts. These thoughts are not a sign of weakness or a punishment from God. They are a result of mental health conditions that can be treated. Don't fall for religious superstitions that say only a miracle or a god can save you. Professional help can definitely help you overcome these thoughts. Please take care of your mental health. It is the best gift you can give yourself and anyone else.

(Email your concerns: [email protected] and [email protected], Phone Number: 9390771469,

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