You did it! You just ran a half Marathon- What to do and Not to do after running a half Marathon

You did it! You just ran a half  Marathon- What to do and Not to do after running a half Marathon

You did it! You just ran a half marathon (or maybe even a full marathon-you overachiever you).

You did it! You just ran a half marathon (or maybe even a full marathon-you overachiever you). So, what now? Well, sadly, collapsing into the grass, celebrating with a beer, and spending the rest of the day on your couch in a Netflix binge isn't expert-advised.

Fear not, we've got the game plan for exactly what you should do from the moment you cross the finish line until you go to bed that night, according to people who do this stuff for a living. Of course, everyone's recovery will look slightly different based on their ability, fitness level, running experience, and dietary needs, but these recovery guidelines will help you navigate the 24 hours following the race so you can bounce back as quickly as possible.

1. Don't: Go horizontal.

Yes, you just ran a shit ton of miles and standing on two feet now feels harder than ever, but it *really* is important that you keep moving for at least 10 to 20 minutes after you've finished to let your heart rate drop. "Runners who cross the line and sit down-no matter how great it may feel immediately-risk stiffening up or potentially pulling a muscle," says Olympic distance runner and New York Road Runners coach Roberto Mandje. By walking, you promote active recovery-you're still pumping blood through your fatigued muscles and simultaneously clearing all the excess metabolic waste (lactic acid) that you accumulated during the race, he says.

There's another important reason why continuing to move is so important: Since your body had been pumping blood and oxygen to the working muscles, stopping abruptly can cause blood to pool in the lower extremities, decreasing your blood pressure.

That can cause some runners to become dizzy or light-headed and even pass out, says Dennis Cardone, D.O., chief of primary care sports medicine at NYU Langone Orthopedics.

2. Do: Drink ALL the water.

The number-one priority after you've completed a race should be rehydrating (besides taking your race medal selfie at the finish line, obvi). "Ideally you should aim to drink about 16 to 20 ounces per pound lost during a race,". Since most people aren't stepping on a scale before and after, you should aim for about 16 to 20 ounces of water or an electrolyte beverage immediately after finishing, says Kissane. Then shoot for another 16 to 20 ounces within the next hour, and continue every hour until you're dehydrated.

And sports drinks are a must,"It's important to consume sodium in your rehydration beverage instead of just plain water so that you don't urinate all that you are consuming," says a sports dietician.

While the amount of fluids you'll need will depend on the length of the race, heat, humidity, and how much you were hydrating during the race (if you stopped at every water station you might not need as much), the easiest way to monitor your post-race rehydration is with the age-old urine test. Light yellow indicates a person is hydrated and dark yellow/amber usually indicates dehydration.

3. Do: Stretch out those legs.

some basic static stretches after the race, paying special attention to your quads and hamstrings to help promote better blood flow to the area. Try a basic quad stretch: Hold on to something to support yourself, bring your foot behind you, grabbing the ankle, and slowly pull toward your glutes, holding for 5 seconds. Repeat a couple times on each side. Then give your hamstrings some love: Lying down, keep one leg flat on the ground and grab the opposite leg behind the calf, gradually bringing it toward your chest. Do the same with the other leg. (FYI, here's what training for a long race really does to your leg health.)

4. Do: Change out of your gross clothes.

You probably already want to do this anyway, but it's important to plan ahead and have a friend who can bring you dry (or warmer) clothing to change into, says Mandje. Thanks to cold sweat and reduced body heat, "walking around in your race gear means risking getting ill once the sweat has dried and the race's adrenaline has subsided."(Not to mention the fact that trapping that sweat and bacteria against your skin in damp workout clothes can cause acne, or worse: yeast infections.)

5. Do: Wear the dorky compression socks.

While you're doing that outfit change, you might also want to consider adding a compression sock into the mix. Although some research has indicated there could be some effect on muscular endurance, the jury is still out on whether compression gear can really boost your performance while you're running. But hey, if you're like Olympic-medal-winning runner Meb Keflezighi and think it helps, go for it). However, there is evidence to support the use of compression gear after you finish. That's because they can prevent blood from pooling in the lower extremities. Doctors recommend putting on a sock that comes up to the knee and keeping them on until you go to bed, to prevent pooling, and to possibly prevent lactic acid buildup and any swelling.

6. Don't: Go for the beer....okay, just have one if you must.

Sure, if you really want to treat yourself to an ice-cold beer to celebrate, it's not going to be that big a deal, but all the experts agreed on this one: Alcohol is not recommended for at least 24 hours while your body returns to normal. While beer is often a part of the post-race celebration, consuming alcohol on an empty stomach while your body is depleted means it will enter your bloodstream much more quickly (read: you'll feel the effects faster than you normally would) and will actually dehydrate you further. Not to mention, alcohol can also negatively affect muscle recovery and cause restless sleep, she says. That's the exact opposite of what you want. If you must have one, just make sure you have 20 to 24 ounces of water in your system.

7. Don't: Eat acidic foods (or foods that are high in fat or fiber).

Many people can't tolerate foods high in fat or fibre immediately after a race. During a race, there is less blood flow utilized for digestion-the blood is focused on supplying energy to the working muscles, and it takes some time for your body to recover and settle back into its normal blood flow allocation after a race. To avoid gastrointestinal upset, go for a low-fibre, easy-to-digest meal. And the same goes for acidic foods and drinks. Skip the coffee and orange juice (sorry, but you should probs pass on the mimosas) at brunch since they can cause stomach problems on an empty stomach, too.

8. Do: Eat all the carbs.

"The key to recovery is to get carbohydrates within 60 minutes after a race,". This will help restore glycogen in the liver and muscle. "Some people don't tolerate solids well after a race, so fluids containing carbs such as chocolate milk or fruit juice are perfectly acceptable".

9. Do: Also get in some protein.

While the timing of protein may not be as critical as getting in those carbohydrates, it's recommended to have a meal containing both carbs and protein within two hours of finishing, says Kissane. "The protein will help with repairing and rebuilding muscle after the race," she says. (Mandje recommends a recovery beverage that has about a 4:1 carbohydrates-to-protein ratio to kill two birds with one stone.)

10. Don't: Melt into the couch for the rest of the day.

Yes, you can face plant onto the couch when you get home-you earned it-but plan to get up every hour to mobilize your sore muscles and keep yourself from getting too stiff.. Your body will thank you when you wake up the next morning.

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