Chicken Pox - myths and realities

Chicken Pox - myths and realities

Chicken Pox - myths and realities


Dr C Anupama of Suraksha Hospital in Hyd says Chicken Pox one of the viral exanthematous diseases

Chicken pox , as most of the people believe is not a God's curse or anger on mankind, but it is also one of the viral exanthematous diseases which can become a life threatening problem sometimes if not treated timely. Just felt like writing about their disease after seeing. So many parents in my experience keeping their children at home without doctor's consultation thinking that it should not be treated as their adults told them.

As most of the people think, fifty percentage of kids with chicken pox get better even without treatment with mild disturbances. But other fifty percentage kids need to be treated either on outpatient basis or sometimes even needs admissions with complication like Sepsis, pneumonia etc.

Routes of Spread

Chicken Pox is primarly by an air borne disease, i.e. spread through air only, in contrary to the common belief that it spreads through skin contact.

Symptoms and skins

Usually mild variety of chicken pox starts with or with out mild fever with water droplets type vesicular rash with itching and slight dullness. High grade fever, cold, cough, breathlessness, vomiting, abdominal pain, are not symptoms of simple chicken pox and they indicate complications and secondary infection and kids with these symptoms should be definitely shown to pediatrician as they can be life threatening sometimes.


Most of the times treatment for chicken pox is supportive like plenty of fluids, soft diet, rest, isolation and treating symptoms like fever itching and rash. But when it is severe form of disease and happened in kids with immune deficiency states. It should be treated with antiviral, antibiotics, antipyretics and sometimes with IV fluids on inpatient basis. So kindly do not neglect to show your kid with chicken pox to pediatrician when you see all the above warning signs and symptoms.

How to Diagnosis Chicken Pox

There are so many other viral rashes and allergic rashes which mimic chicken pox rashes. To diagnosis chicken pox rash clearly from other rashes there are some specific symptoms like area of distribution more involving central body type of rash like water droplets with surrounding crythema (redness) time of accuracy of rash like here they come in groups day after day not once and other associated features like fever, vomiting, decreased appetite etc. prevention of the disease is to isolate from others.

(Mail Id: [email protected] Phone No: 9701111906)

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