Breast Cancer Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Breast Cancer Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Breast cancer affects women’s breast tissues and milk ducts. Early detection of the condition increases the survival rate, and thus, it’s vital to get recurrent mammograms.

Abnormal growth of breast cells leads to breast lumps, and it gives rise to immense pain and discomfort. Early detection of breast cancer enhances the survival rate, and you will explore life again. The cancer begins inside the milk ducts, and the early stage is not a life-threatening condition. However, cancer cells may spread to nearby areas, and it leads to the formation of breast cancer lumps. Untreated breast cancer may spread to the lymph nodes, and it’s a fatal condition.

Causes of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer causes are not known. Changes in the genetic material (DNA) are the leading cause of breast cancer, and sometimes you may inherit genetic abnormalities. Alterations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes also lead to the fatal condition, and it also increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Apart from genetics, environmental factors can also lead to cancer.

Breast Cancer Signs

Here, you can get a clear view of the breast cancer symptoms:

  • Thickening of breast or lump with or without pain
  • Alterations in breast size and appearance
  • There may be changes in the nipples or areola, the skin surrounding the nipple
  • Fluid may ooze out of the nipple
  • Inflammation or redness of the breast

Do you face any of these symptoms?

You must consult a specialist who will do a thorough breast cancer screening. An abnormal lump in the breast is a warning sign, and you must seek immediate medical attention. Early detection helps you receive effective treatments, restoring your everyday life. The specialist may recommend a breast cancer test, and it enables you to learn whether the tumour growth is abnormal.

Breast Cancer Stages

Breast cancer is classified into several stages, which are:

Stage 0: This condition is not life-threatening, as cancer has not spread outside the milk ducts.

Stage 1: Stage 1 breast cancer is the condition when a specialist finds cancer cells in the nearby breast tissues.

Stage 2: When the cancer cells form a lump, specialists refer to it as Stage 2 breast cancer. The tumour can be less than 2 cm and spread to the lymph nodes, or it may be 5 cm but has not spread to the adjacent areas.

Stage 3: Stage 3 breast cancer is the condition when cancer cells have spread to the adjacent tissues and lymph nodes. Stage 3 is referred to as the advanced form of breast cancer with a 5-year survival rate.

Stage 4: This is the final stage when cancer spreads to other organs such as the liver, lungs, or brain. Stage 4 breast cancer is also known as metastatic breast cancer.

Breast cancer awareness programs are being conducted worldwide to make women learn about breast cancer. It helps you understand the symptoms and thus increases the survival rate.

Effective Breast Cancer Treatments

Are you wondering if breast cancer can be cured? So, it’s essential to know the breast cancer treatments:


Surgery is the common breast cancer treatment, and there are two types of surgeries. Mastectomy is the procedure that involves complete removal of the breast. Lumpectomy is the process where a surgeon removes the tumour along with some surrounding healthy tissues.

Radiation and Chemotherapy

This procedure involves using high-intensity X-rays to destroy cancer cells. It is suitable for any stage of breast cancer. Next, specialists may suggest chemotherapy, which combines multiple breast cancer drugs targeting specific cancer cells. The drugs are injected directly into the veins and slow down the growth of cancer cells.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is another advanced treatment that blocks the hormones that cause cell regrowth. It stops the growth of cancerous tumours, and your condition will improve noticeably.

Targeted Therapy

This therapy involves the use of breast cancer drugs that target specific cancer cells, and there will be no damage to the adjacent healthy tissues. It’s a non-invasive treatment that slows down the growth of abnormal cells.


Immunotherapy focuses on boosting immunity, which causes the body to start destroying cancer cells. Specialists recommend certain medicines to harness the power of the body’s immune system, allowing the patient to fight against the disease.

Once you consult a specialist, you will learn about the condition in detail. Hence, you will receive effective breast cancer treatment, slowing down the tumour growth.

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast ultrasound is the initial test, and it helps the specialist get a clear breast picture. The doctor may suggest a breast magnetic resonance scan (MRI) for a clear view. Sometimes, you may undergo genetic tests that help the doctor determine whether there are any abnormal gene mutations. Finally, a specialist may carry out the breast biopsy test, which involves detailed screening of breast cells.

How do I Prevent Breast Cancer?

The tips mentioned here promote breast cancer prevention:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight lowers the risk of breast cancer
  • Ensure your diet contains fruit, vegetable, and calcium-rich foods
  • Staying physically active also reduces the chances of getting cancer
  • Get frequent screenings that help in early detection of cancer
  • Control alcohol consumption, as research shows a deep connection between alcohol and cancer

So you can lead a healthier life, and breast cancer won’t restrict your way of life, giving you the best version of yourself!

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